Officials fund security position

Oct. 2—Woodward County Commissioners approved using CARES Act money to fund the courthouse deputy position during their meeting on Monday.

The commissioners voted to transfer $47,185.63 from CARES funds to the sheriff courthouse security for the position, which has been funded primarily by fines and costs that haven't kept pace with the salary.

The move will cover the position through the fiscal year.

Also, commissioners heard a request from Jon Turner with Nextlnk, who wanted a letter of support from the board to help bring more broadband to the more rural areas of the county.

"We're looking to expand to undeserved areas of the county," Turner said.

Commissioner Troy White questioned if it "our place to provide a letter of support for private companies."

The item was tabled in order for commissioners to discuss the subject with District Attorney Chris Boring.

Dr. Tom Lucas provided an update on grants from Keith Weber.

Some of the possible grants include a small surface water and ground water storage project and some possibilities from a transportation alternative program.

Commissioners also approved routine items like payroll and purchase orders and discussed possible solutions to some roof leaks at the courthouse.

During last week's rain, Commissioner Clint White noted a leak on the west side of the courthouse, three on the south side and one on the east side.

Woodward County Event Center Director Baily Kafka reported several upcoming activities at the center, including Touch a Truck on Tuesday, a meet and greet with Dr. Jayson Lusk on Wednesday and the United Fund Trivia Night on Friday. The Tuesday and Wednesday events are from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and the trivia night goes from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.