Ohio clergy: 'Trigger ban' an 'overreach by religious zealots' that would take us backward

Ohio clergy members of Faith in Public Llfe Action oppose House Bill 598, an abortion trigger ban recently testified before the House Government Oversight Committee.
Ohio clergy members of Faith in Public Llfe Action oppose House Bill 598, an abortion trigger ban recently testified before the House Government Oversight Committee.

Faith in Public Life Action is a national movement of clergy and faith leaders united in the prophetic pursuit of justice, equality and the common good. With a network of over 50,000 leaders, they are leading the fight to advance just policies at the state and federal level that affirm our values and the human dignity of all.

Note from Assistant Opinion Editor Belinda M. Paschal:

The religious community is divided on the issue of House Bill 598, the Enact Human Life Protection Act, which if passed, it would immediately ban all abortions in Ohio — with no exceptions for rape or incest — if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade

After proponent testimony for House Bill 598 was heard by the House Government Oversight Committee from The Center for Christian Virtue, Ohio clergy from Faith in Public Life Action, who oppose the bill, testified before the committee on Thursday, May 26. Below are their statements.

Rev. Dr. Susan Smith, Crazy Faith Ministries, Columbus
Rev. Dr. Susan Smith, Crazy Faith Ministries, Columbus

Rev. Dr. Susan Smith, Crazy Faith Ministries, Columbus:

“Jesus Christ taught that the greatest commandment was to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, minds, and souls, and our neighbors as ourselves. It is a simple and powerful command but many who call themselves Christian ignore it. Jesus was not a bigot. The Religious Right does not practice the lessons of Jesus, and therefore, I can not call them ‘Christian.’ One cannot be a practicing Christian and support policies that result in the pain and oppression of others, including Black, Brown, Asian and poor people, Muslims, immigrants, members of the LGBTQIA communities, women and people who fall outside of their circle of acceptability.”

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Rev. Dan Clark, Ohio Director, Faith in Public Life Action
Rev. Dan Clark, Ohio Director, Faith in Public Life Action

Rev. Dan Clark, Ohio Director, Faith in Public Life Action: 

“I learned as a child that loving one another was Jesus’s primary commandment. As a Christian minister and parent, I have tried to live and teach that. But the Center for Christian Virtue is waging a culture war in Ohio that does not align with the peaceful teachings of Jesus, but rather aligns with the dangerous teachings of white Christian nationalism. They are doing harm to people who are made in the image of God, who have the divine spark within them. Lawmakers need to know that the majority of people of faith support abortion access. They need to know that the Center for Christian Virtue is spreading an unholy ideology.”

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Pastor Greg Henneman, United Methodist Church for All People, Columbus
Pastor Greg Henneman, United Methodist Church for All People, Columbus

Pastor Greg Henneman, United Methodist Church for All People, Columbus:

“All people reflect the beauty of God. We often hear a few, loud voices condemn people in God's name, but they don't get to speak for God. God looks at all people and calls them good. Let us affirm each other as people created in God's image and celebrate the beauty in each other.”

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Pastor Hank Osmundson, Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio
Pastor Hank Osmundson, Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio

Pastor Hank Osmundson, Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio:

“Every human being is of sacred worth and my personal faith bolsters that idea. There are people who are using their faith to stoke fear, shield their bigotry, and impose their will on others. No one should have the right to interfere in the mental or physical health care of any individual, particularly when the result of that interference is potential self-harm or worse. House Bill 598 is an overreach by religious zealots and government officials. And it presents a danger to people in Ohio. This is egregious legislation that is an affront to my faith in humanity and the divine.”

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Rev. Joan VanBecelaere, Unitarian Universalist Justice
Rev. Joan VanBecelaere, Unitarian Universalist Justice

Rev. Joan VanBecelaere, Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio:

“A truly moral society honors the God-given worth, dignity and autonomy of persons, which includes the right to maintain our dignity and choose what happens to our own bodies. As a retired clergy person, I have seen the anguish of pregnant persons when their autonomy and necessary medical care were denied in the past. Ohio House Bill 598 would take us backward to those days when rights were denied, physical and mental health was ignored, and people died trying to obtain the medical care they desperately needed. This is not right. I call on our lawmakers to vote no on House Bill 598.”

Faith in Public Life Action is a national movement of clergy and faith leaders united in the prophetic pursuit of justice, equality and the common good. With a network of over 50,000 leaders, they are leading the fight to advance just policies at the state and federal level that affirm our values and the human dignity of all.

This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Opinion: Ohio faith leaders speak out against trigger ban bill