Ohio moves into Phase 1C vaccine distribution

Mar. 1—COLUMBUS — The next phases for COVID-19 vaccine distribution in Ohio will begin this week and the age eligibility will be lowered to 60.

Phase 1C will start Thursday, adding new professions and opening up restrictions to certain medical conditions not covered in the previous phases, announced Gov. Mike DeWine at a Monday news conference.

Those working in childcare service, funeral service industries, and corrections and law enforcement will be eligible in the next phase to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

Anyone who is living with Type 1 Diabetes, pregnant, bone marrow transplant recipients and people living with ALS will also be eligible to get the vaccine.

"Today, I'm announcing the priority groups we've identified to be part of Phase 1C of Ohio's vaccination program," DeWine said. "This includes certain professions and those with certain medical conditions not covered in previous phases."

DeWine shared approximately 246,000 people are eligible under the 1C group. Phase 2 adds approximately 695,000 eligible Ohioans. The announcement of Phase 1C comes just off the heels of the Johnson and Johnson emergency approval of its vaccine.

On Saturday, the Food and Drug Administration cleared a Johnson & Johnson shot that works with just one dose instead of two. The FDA said J&J's vaccine offers strong protection against what matters most: serious illness, hospitalizations and death. One dose was 85% protective against the most severe COVID-19 illness in a massive study that spanned three continents — protection that remained strong even in countries such as South Africa, where the variants of most concern are spreading.

"More vaccine is coming to Ohio this week," DeWine said, speaking about J&J's vaccine.

DeWine stated the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be distributed to more than 200 independent pharmacies around the state, to pharmacies that had not yet received any vaccines. The vaccines will also go to local hospitals, health departments and chain pharmacies.

"Johnson & Johnson is now starting to ship, and Ohio will get 96,100 doses in the first week. In total for the week, we will receive 448,390 doses in Ohio," DeWine said.

Reach Adam Black at (740) 353-3101 ext. 1927, or by email at ablack@aimmediamidwest.com.

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