Oklahoma ACLU: We are prepared to fight harmful measures in court

As the deadline for filing bills for the first legislative session of 2023 passed, one thing has become evident: Civil rights battles in the state will continue this year. These proposals have come in the wake of some very prominent bills that passed over the last several sessions, especially toward reproductive care, the 2SLGBTQ+ community, criminal legal reform and classroom censorship. Here are the most important proposed bills our team is preparing for this session.

  • There are over 20 proposed bills that directly attack transgender Oklahomans and their families. Senate Bill 129, known as the Millstone Act, would ban best practice medical care for transgender and gender diverse Oklahomans under the age of 26 and penalizes healthcare providers with a felony. This could force thousands of Oklahomans to halt ongoing treatment. Other bills propose even harsher regulations for transgender youths under 21 years of age from receiving best-practice medical care and takes away state and federal coverage for these services.

  • Additionally, SB 30 would require school districts to disclose mental health changes to parents, which could out 2SLGBTQ+ students to unsafe family members. It also would prohibit school personnel from referring to a student other than the name or pronoun on their original birth certificate without written consent from the student’s parent or guardian. Currently, the ACLU of OK is fighting similarly unconstitutional anti-trans bills, such as our litigation against SB 615 over grounds of Title IX and 14th Amendment violations.

  • For over a year, House Bill 1775 has been affecting school curriculum, and there is still more classroom censorship being proposed this session. SB 20 aims to dismiss conversations about important current events between teachers and students, as well as disengage students from being involved in lobbying or advocating for public policy change.

  • After some incredibly harsh local enforcements that further criminalize and displace unhoused people, legislators are proposing even more anti-homelessness laws. SB 201 would require homeless encampments to comply with building codes or be demolished by the city. The Legislature’s focus should be on reinforcing a community of care that meets the transportation, medical and legal needs of Oklahomans experiencing housing instability.

  • With these unconstitutional and hurtful bills in our midst, there is also proposed legislation that helps support civil liberties throughout Oklahoma. SB 429 would affirm Indigenous high school students by allowing them to wear tribal regalia at their graduation ceremony. This would be a step forward in addressing the harmful education policies that strip Indigenous students from their cultural and religious heritage.

  • There are many important advancements in our criminal legal reform, including an act that allows judges to consider evidence of intimate partner violence during sentencing and allows survivors to apply for resentencing. This can help survivors of domestic violence receive fairer judgment and community-based care after defending themselves against their abusers.

  • Lastly, more equitable voting legislation is on the table. One bill would allow automatic voter pre-registration upon someone receiving or renewing their driver's license if they wish to vote. Two others propose a state website to register to vote electronically, and processes to help voters who cannot vote in person due to a physical disability. Even though our state still witnesses voter intimidation through complaints of poll workers pushing single-party voting, these laws will help improve the election process in Oklahoma.

The ACLU of OK and community partners are prepared to ask supporters to call their representatives to express their personal or community concerns. Additionally, we will work with our clients to fight these unconstitutional acts in the courtroom as harmful bills arise. Defenders of civil liberties will be put to the test, but our love for Oklahoma continues to motivate us until we ensure the rights of all Oklahomans.

Cindy Nguyen is the policy director for the ACLU of Oklahoma.

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: Oklahoma ACLU: We are prepared to express concerns over harmful bills