Oklahoma City named one of America's 50 top cities for bed bugs. How to get rid of them

The pest control company Orkin released its annual list of the 50 worst US cities for bed bugs, and Oklahoma City made the list.

The list is based on which metro areas Orkin performed the most bed bug treatments both residential and commercial, from Dec. 1, 2022 – Nov. 30, 2023. Oklahoma City was new to the list this year, according to Orkin.

The worst city in America for bed bugs? Chicago, for the fourth year in a row, followed by New York and Philadelphia.

Here's where Oklahoma City ranked, and how to get rid of the blood-sucking insects.

Where Oklahoma City ranks on list of worst cities for bed bugs

Oklahoma City landed at number 48 on Orkin's list of the 50 worst US cities for bed bugs.

America's 50 worst cities for bed bugs

  1. Chicago

  2. New York

  3. Philadelphia

  4. Cleveland-Akron, OH

  5. Los Angeles

  6. Detroit

  7. Washington, D.C. (+2)

  8. Indianapolis (-1)

  9. Charlotte (+5)

  10. Champaign, IL (+1)

  11. Columbus, OH (-1)

  12. Cincinnati (+1)

  13. Atlanta (+3)

  14. Grand Rapids, MI (-2)

  15. Denver

  16. Baltimore (-8)

  17. Richmond, VA (+9)

  18. Greensboro, N.C. (+25)

  19. St. Louis (+6)

  20. Youngstown (+7)

  21. Pittsburgh (-3)

  22. Dallas-Ft. Worth (-5)

  23. Flint, MI (-2)

  24. Raleigh-Durham (-4)

  25. Milwaukee (+15)

  26. Charleston, W.V. (-7)

  27. Greenville, SC (-3)

  28. Norfolk, VA (-5)

  29. Davenport (+8)

  30. Nashville (+3)

  31. Tampa (+10)

  32. Toledo (+6)

  33. Dayton, OH (+1)

  34. Knoxville (-4)

  35. Las Vegas (new to list)

  36. Omaha, NE (-4)

  37. South Bend, IN (-9)

  38. Houston (+6)

  39. Cedar Rapids, MI (-8)

  40. Ft. Wayne, IN (-5)

  41. San Francisco (-19)

  42. Buffalo, NY (-13)

  43. Harrisburg (-7)

  44. Seattle (-5)

  45. Miami

  46. Orlando (+1)

  47. Minneapolis (new to list)

  48. Oklahoma City (new to list)

  49. Louisville, KY

  50. Lexington, KY (-4)

How to get rid of bed bugs

According to Orkin, finding a bed bug infestation is not the time to try out do-it-yourself, bed bug home remedies.

Most methods to get rid of bed bugs naturally, or bed bug sprays, can kill off some of the insects but won't rid you of the entire infestation.

Orkin recommends calling pest control experts as soon as possible to get started on eliminating the bugs.

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: OKC named one of top cities in US for bed bugs. How to get rid of them