Oklahoma State Department of Health reports first flu-related child death of the season

Washing your hands often, along with other recommendations, can help ease the effects of seasonal allergies.

The Oklahoma State Department of Health reported the state's first death of a child due to influenza this season in a statement Tuesday.

The southeast Oklahoma child was under five years old, the health department reported.

Since Sept. 1, Oklahoma has seen over 900 influenza hospitalizations and 16 deaths. Flu activity is high across the state and has continued to increase, according to the health department.

“Oklahoma is likely now entering our peak influenza season,” Kendra Dougherty, director of the OSDH Infectious Disease Prevention and Response program, said in the statement. “Even though influenza activity is decreasing nationally, Oklahoma experienced a delayed start in increasing activity than the rest of the country.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, seasonal influenza activity remains elevated in most parts of the country.

In the week ending on Jan. 20, 10 influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported, bringing the 2023-2024 season total to 57 pediatric deaths.

There have been at least 18 million illnesses, 210,000 hospitalizations and 13,000 deaths from the flu so far this season, according to estimations by the CDC.

In the statement, the OSDH encouraged Oklahomans to practice good hand hygiene, cover their cough and stay home when they are sick or not feeling well to help mitigate the spread of the flu and other illnesses.

The health department also recommends getting vaccines to prevent severe disease, hospitalization or death.

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: Oklahoma State Department of Health reports first 2024 child death by flu