Olympia landmark quiz results: Did you know the names of these local parks and buildings?

The Olympia area hasn’t changed much over the decades, but some landmarks and place names have evolved. We quizzed Olympian readers to see what they think the current names of five places around town are now named.

Here is how 660 quiz respondents fared on each question. Scroll down to the bottom to see the full results.

Question 1: In 2015-2018, the city set up a new public space next to the 5th Avenue Bridge. What’s it called?

Answer: Isthmus Park

Percentage correct answer: 50%

Most frequent wrong answer: Seven Oars Park (35%)

Question 2: Priest Point Park has a new name. What is it called?

Answer: Squaxin Park

Percentage correct answer: 95%

Most frequent wrong answer: Sunrise Park and Trillium Park (both 2%)

The park in this picture is one of several Olympia locations that has had a recent name change. The Olympian
The park in this picture is one of several Olympia locations that has had a recent name change. The Olympian

Question 3: Downtown’s in-ground water fountain, between the pier and Capitol Lake, is popular for play. What’s it called?

Answer: Heritage Park

Percentage correct answer: 64%

Most frequent wrong answer: Marathon Park (22%)

Question 4: The Urban Onion restaurant closed after 42 years in 2015. There is a new restaurant there now. What is it called?

Answer: El Sitio

Percentage correct answer: 50%

Most frequent wrong answer: Uptown Grill (30%)

Question 5: Just east of downtown is a historic building slated for arts programming by the city. What’s it called?

Answer: Olympia Armory Creative Campus

Percentage correct answer: 78%

Most frequent wrong answer: Washington Center for the Performing Arts (10%)