One of the best, most reliable meteor showers peaks this week. How to view in Kansas City

You might already have noticed meteors streaking across the skies in the Kansas City area — and the nighttime show is about to get even better.

Bright and fast meteors are expected to light up the night sky this week as the Geminids meteor shower peaks on Wednesday and Thursday during its annual return.

The Geminids, which peak in mid-December, are considered one of the best celestial displays, due to having a reputation as one of the most reliable and active meteor shows each year, according to NASA.

This year, the meteor showers are active between Nov. 19 and Dec. 24. During its peak, 120 meteors can be seen per hour under perfect conditions. They are bright, fast and tend to be yellowish or greenish in color, NASA said.

They are best viewed during night and predawn. People should find an area away from city lights or street lights to view them.

In the Kansas City area, skies are expected to be clear overnight Wednesday, according to the Clear Sky Chart on the Astronomical Society of Kansas City’s Dark Site website, which shows when it will be cloudy or clear for the next few days near Butler, Missouri.

To view the meteors, NASA recommends that people lie on their back with their feet facing south and then look up. People’s eyes should adjust to the darkness in about 30 minutes allowing them to see the meteors.

“Be patient — the show will last until dawn, so you have plenty of time to catch a glimpse,” said NASA, which also provides tips on how to photograph a meteor shower on its website.

The 2023 show can be categorized as a “superb year,” as the moon will be at a new phase on Tuesday. That means when the showers peak on Wednesday, it will be a skinny crescent low in the west-southwest sky at dusk, setting at 5 p.m., according to a story on

Overnight, the sky will be dark and moonless, making for perfect viewing conditions, according to