One less Angel Tree in Ada

Oct. 28—This year, the Salvation Army is changing how they do the annual Angel Tree. Since COVID-19, The Salvation Army's Ada location has been hit hard financially and with this comes many hard choices for management. One of which is to not do the Angel Tree program for the community, instead only doing the program through the Ada School District for school-age kids.

The Angel Tree Program is a charity event for struggling families during the holidays. Families can sign up to be a part of the program where generous donors select said families and donate gifts by a certain deadline.

This is a program developed to ensure that every child, no matter the situation, can enjoy Christmas. However, it seems that this year some families around the Ada area might miss out on this.

"This store right here is not making enough to help out," one employee from the Salvation Army said. They continued to say that they are still doing the Angel Tree through the school district but only the Ada school district and it is only for school-age children.

"What they call open applications...we are not doing that this year because we don't have enough people," The employee explained, "and we don't have enough money."

We were unable to ask the manager any questions on the matter and no official announcements about not doing the open applications for the Angel Tree have been made.

Many families rely on the Christmas program for their children, but now it seems that these families will have to find a Christmas Miracle somewhere else.