One Man's Opinion: The mini-miracles of life make everything worth it

I don’t know exactly when it started. It had to have been over a decade now. What I am about to tell you is that somehow, I have become addicted to Hallmark movies. In mid-October, the Christmas movies for 2022 were hatched for another Christmas season. I just couldn’t help myself. Whenever I am feeling a little down in the dumps, I just turn on the Hallmark channel. The programs are better than any medications I could purchase by prescription or over the counter.

My two sons make fun of me for watching what they feel is a waste of time. The same type of old stories every time. Woman meets man, man meets woman (sometimes the woman has a dog, or the man has a dog). There is usually a distraction of an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend that is introduced into the scenario to provide some drama. All along this observer knows where the plot is going, but is willing to go along. I know it will end amicably for all the actors and actresses regardless of their role in a good feeling ending for all. Sure, the main characters hug and kiss at the end and even get married (sometimes).

Jerry Donnelly
Jerry Donnelly

I know, I know — how can a man my age continually watch this nonsense? I can hear my sons still laughing when they catch me in the act of viewing these Hallmark presentations. I could care less, because the good vibes lower my blood pressure instantly. The special Hallmark movies are called Godwinks. They are developed from real life individuals who find each other so often it totally goes beyond coincidence. If God is winking at you — you had better listen and take heed. Some people I am sure ignore the wink and move on with their life. I didn’t.

It took me 22 years to decipher what was happening to me. A teenage girl was so bold to tell her girlfriends that she was going to marry me some day. In the small town of Petoskey it was not difficult to pick up on the chatter. I was very stubborn and she was even more stubborn. I was not going to give in to what everybody else knew. I knew I was hurting her, but I was so dumb I couldn’t recognize what was standing right in front of me.

Eventually, in early 1964, the Godwinks started to appear. I had to drop out of Central Michigan University (playing too much ping pong and not studying enough) and come home to North Central Michigan college. After I told my stalker I was coming home, she decided to drop everything and come home also.

Another wink. We both finished our undergraduate work in education at Northern Michigan University. We were lucky enough to both have landed jobs in the L’Anse Creuse Schools System. Another wink. We were married in August 1968.

You may be saying to yourself that this type of thing happens to just about everyone. Well, I beg to differ. I consider it a miracle that it happened to us — so I am calling it a Godwink. You can call it anything you want.

There are so many strange things happening to so many people. I know Hallmark Godwinks are a part of my life. Remember feeling good about yourself and others is a big part of Hallmark movies. Maybe if you give them a chance Godwinks will surprise you like they did me.

I wish all of you many Godwinks, and a very Merry Christmas. As usual, this column should be everyone’s opinion. Now go and watch a Hallmark movie. It will have a calming effect on you and your loved one. You have got to love it!

— Jerry Donnelly is a Petoskey native who was an educator downstate. His column, One Man's Opinion, appears monthly. Donnelly can be contacted via email at

This article originally appeared on The Petoskey News-Review: One Man's Opinion: The mini-miracles of life make everything worth it