One Woman Shares All the Unexpected Ways Pregnancy Can Change Your Body

Photo: Instagram / Katie Newnham

There's no denying it: These days, new moms feel a lot of pressure to return to their pre-pregnancy selves ASAP. But influencer Katie Newnham is here to remind you that giving birth transforms your body—and the best thing you can do is be patient and embrace those changes.

"You may not recognize your own body anymore, but you need to give it time," Newnham wrote on Instagram (alongside a photo of her swollen belly) shortly after she'd given birth.

Newnham, who just had her second baby, shared some of the unexpected physical changes she's experienced through pregnancy—and why it's important not to let them consume you. "It's possible you'll still look pregnant weeks after birth, this is normal," she wrote. "Your belly button will look the way it used to, eventually. Your body may have made some permanent physical changes, embrace them. You may lose a lot of hair in the first few months, don't panic it's a normal phase." (Related: This Mom of IVF Triplets Shares Why She Loves Her Postpartum Body)

On top of the physical changes, pregnancy can take an emotional toll. "Your hormones are adjusting themselves, there will be high, lows, and probably tears," she says. "You may get the baby blues or postpartum depression, know that this is okay and ask for help and support, you're not alone."

Newnham continued by listing several other things that might take new moms some getting used to. "Your breastfeeding journey (if you do) may not be as easy as you expected, don't beat yourself up and it will take time," she wrote. "You may bleed for weeks after giving birth, like a big pain in the ass period. You need to increase your fiber intake... just trust us on this one! You may sweat a lot and feel like you're in a constant heat wave in the first few days, thank you hormones. You may have permanent scars on your body, these are simply reminders of how strong our amazing bodies are, learn to love them." (Related: CrossFit Mom Revie Jane Schulz Wants You to Love Your Postpartum Body Just As It Is)

At the end of the day, every mother should know that her body is bound to react differently—physically and emotionally—after having a baby. A little bit of patience and self-love is the least you can give yourself after enduring an immensely difficult and beautiful experience like childbirth.

As Newnham puts it: "Whatever your postpartum journey may be, it's okay, it's normal. Motherhood changes us, physically, mentally and emotionally. Some of these changes permanent, most temporary, remember you're not alone."