Op-Ed: State, local leaders a firewall against attacks on democracy

In the aftermath of the 2020 election, the United States came dangerously close to full democratic upheaval with the January 6 insurrection and efforts to overturn election results. Were it not for the heroic actions from a handful of state and local elected officials, the outcome could have been far worse.

And far from this threat being over, in the months since January 6, a multi-pronged attack has escalated, including extreme gerrymandering, laws aimed at making it harder to vote, and efforts to put people in positions to oversee future elections who falsely allege that the 2020 election was stolen. It is imperative — and urgent — that we shore up our democratic process to withstand future attacks on its legitimacy.

That’s why — as a network of pragmatic progressive state and local leaders gathers in the birthplace of democracy, Philadelphia — the NewDEAL Forum is forming a working group to protect voter rights, secure and expand access to the ballot box for every eligible voter, ensure election integrity, and promote civic education and engagement. This comes at a moment when Pennsylvania once again has an election that won’t be decided on Election Night.

From city council members to mayors and governors, all elected positions touch a part of the democratic process. In Pennsylvania, where Ken serves, and many other states, counties are charged with administering elections. Ultimately, every state and local elected official is positioned to impact the future of our democracy.

Our goal: give these leaders the tools and information they need to resist those who would undermine our democracy.

This campaign to roll back voting rights is simply unprecedented. “At least 19 states passed 34 laws restricting access to voting. More than 440 bills with provisions that restrict voting access have been introduced in 49 states in the 2021 legislative sessions,” according to the independent, nonpartisan, Brennan Center for Justice. These numbers are extraordinary: state legislatures enacted far more restrictive voting laws in 2021 than in any year since the Brennan Center began tracking voting legislation.

In Pennsylvania, which was a central focus of the former president’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election amid bogus allegations of fraud that the courts determined were baseless, some lawmakers and candidates on the right have continued to push the Big Lie, while advocating for expanded voter ID laws and a ban on mail-in ballot drop boxes.

In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 90, imposing broad restrictions on mail voting, which will have a considerable impact on Black voters in the state. The law “severely limits the availability and accessibility of mail ballot drop boxes and requires voters to put their state ID number or Social Security Number on their mail ballot application without providing an alternative for voters who lack such information. It also limits who can assist voters with returning their mail ballots.”

And in Arizona — in perhaps the most brazen move — the GOP took the power to defend state election laws away from the Democratic Secretary of State and gave it to the Republican attorney general.

At the same time, there are examples of best practices for state and local leaders to emulate.

In March of this year, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announced that her office will distribute $8 million in election security grants to help local election officials protect integrity. She also announced new measures to make it easier for voters to update their voter registration, while implementing secure list management protocols to ensure security and accuracy.

In Nevada, the legislature passed legislation to adopt a permanent vote-by-mail system and require election officials to send a mail ballot to every active registered voter. The bill was signed into law by Governor Sisolak in June.

And in Santa Barbara, California, the local school board approved a measure to facilitate the registration and pre-registration of eligible students to vote. Registration efforts were accompanied by instruction to help students develop an understanding of the importance of civic participation in a democratic society.

With the 2022 and 2024 elections looming, the time is now to devise and proliferate smart solutions that can fortify our democratic institutions and election systems.

That is why NewDEAL Leaders are forming a working group to work collaboratively on the best ways to fight back against continued threats to our democratic values and democratic process and to share and spread ideas that work.

Here’s the bottom line: In 2020, state and local leaders proved to be the shield protecting our democracy from unprecedented attacks.

As we look to the future, we must arm state and local officials with the tools, education, and resources they need to protect our institutions and stand up against those who would undermine the very foundations of our democracy.

Debbie Cox Bultan is CEO of the NewDEAL and NewDEAL Forum. Ken Lawrence is a county commissioner in Montgomery County, where he also serves on the county elections board.

This article originally appeared on Bucks County Courier Times: Op-Ed: State, local leaders a firewall against attacks on democracy