Opinion: We have the ability to ensure everyone has a place to sleep and to not go hungry

William Lee Sease
William Lee Sease

Some years ago we made it a point to interact with those standing at a crossroad holding a sign of desperation. We do not always do so, for circumstances do not always allow us. Sometimes we do not have the correct currency or traffic flow makes it dangerous to stop and briefly converse. When we do have the chance, we generally give the person a few bucks and engage in small talk to the extent traffic allows. At a minimum we ask their names and provide our own.

This has not always been the case. When we first noticed folks standing on the corner, the tendency was to wonder “What is this about?” When speaking with others, the suspicion this was some sort of scam was liberally floated.  Then there was the judgment that any money handed out would go to alcohol or to supporting a drug habit. We finally concluded that we were not in a position to judge and our conscience should be our guide.

The worn and often dirty clothes will stand out. Generally there is a backpack assumed to be containing the possessions of the individual and occasionally there is a pet. For this reason, the one I love insists that we have dry dog food available.

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Yes, to the cynical, this has all the makings of a scam of someone taking money from the public to live a relatively comfortable life. However, upon a closer look, something else becomes apparent. Under those worn and dirty clothes is generally a worn and dirty human being. Health concerns and dental concerns stand out. Uncared for body sores are visible. Mental health issues often rest in the eyes. This is humanity standing on the side of the road revealing a vulnerability by asking for help.

One is left wondering, "Where will this person be tonight?"

So why write this? These are people on the very edge. There are others who are simply one mishap from finding themselves in the same condition. There are those who are consumed with debt and are not sure how far the next paycheck will go. There are those who live a relatively secure life but with no margin for error. There are those who live a relatively comfortable life. There are those who live a comfortable life and have the capacity to enjoy reasonable monetary pleasures. There are those who have the resources to live more exotic life styles. Finally, there are those who cannot be satisfied and only want more and more, even if doing so leaves others in dire want.

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Where do we find the balance? Why do some folks live a life eking out a living by standing on a corner with a sign describing their living conditions while others have the resources to sail around the world in their own personal yachts? Why do we live in a world where this is OK?

I do not have the answer to that but I do know that we, collectively, have the ability to close the gap. We have the capacity to ensure that everyone has a decent place to stay at night and to not go to bed hungry.

Unfortunately, we fall into the trap of believing that those who struggle have somehow not lived up to their share of the bargain and that those who have extravagant wealth available to them have more than lived up to their share of the bargain. Personally, I believe that the opposite is more likely true than not. I do not wish to fall into the trap of believing that all people with means have gotten there by taking advantage of others, as I am confident that is not the case. With that said, there are far too many who have advanced financially at the expense of others. Quite frankly, I think I can say my compassion goes out to these folks as well, for they have fallen under the illusion that happiness is something that can be purchased.

It was not too long ago, my wife went over to hand some money to a double amputee siting in a wheel chair at a corner. It was raining. The man on the corner held an umbrella over both of them as they engaged in a rather long conversation. Upon leaving, it was clear that she had encountered a grateful individual whose life condition was not defining. Instead of pity, he spoke to her about grace. His wheelchair was his yacht.

Wm. Lee Sease lives in Burnsville

This article originally appeared on Asheville Citizen Times: Opinion: We have the ability to close the gap, to help people succeed