Opinion: Congress must act to stop Medicare payment cuts

As physicians, we’re problem-solvers, diagnosing our patients’ ailments and finding remedies. We establish a treatment plan.

Imagine if your problem persisted for 20 years with no solution; you might seek another doctor.

Yet every year, that’s the scenario physicians face with the failing Medicare physician payment system: For more than two decades, Congress has not found a suitable, stable fix so doctors can continue caring for the nation’s most vulnerable patients – older adults and those with disabilities.

Here we go again: Without congressional intervention in the next few weeks, physicians who care for Medicare patients will see a cumulative payment reduction of about 8.5% starting in January.

Can doctors leave the program? Yes. But most of us choose not to because we love caring for our Medicare patients. Physicians, however – just like any other business – have their breaking point. Facing high inflation, the “great resignation,” and ongoing pandemic pressures, this just might be it for doctors.

The culprit is a patchwork of congressional Medicare policies that care more about the budget than physicians and patients. When those policies don’t keep pace with Medicare expenses, physician payments end up on the chopping block. The cuts typically are 4% here, 3% there, but they add up to an untenable system that stings our medical practices trying to stay viable.

The Medicare physician fee schedule fails to keep up with inflation. When adjusted for inflation, Medicare payments to physicians have declined 22% from 2001 to 2021. Meanwhile, the consumer price index for medical care in U.S. cities increased 95% over the same period, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (Imagine those numbers amid current inflation rates.)

In the meantime, other health care providers that also care for Medicare patients – hospitals, nursing homes, and the like – have seen pay increases. Once again, they’re slated for modest increases in 2023.

Not physicians.

Instead, each year – for decades now – we’ve had to beg Congress to enact emergency patches to pull patients and their doctors from the brink – because we have no permanent, stable fix.

The result: Physicians caring for fragile patients are essentially losing practice revenue each year.

These deepening pay reductions put practices – and patients’ access to care – in jeopardy.

Medicare patients and their physicians deserve better!

Nearly one in five Americans are covered by Medicare (almost 20%). They’re most susceptible to chronic illnesses and infectious diseases like COVID-19. You probably know them; they’re your loved ones, your family members. Or maybe you.

Medicare patients count on their physicians when they need them most in clinics and hospitals. Physicians tend to these precious patients’ health care needs, managing their blood pressure and medications. It’s our honor.

But this endless situation – on top of pandemic stress and fatigue – is exasperating. Physicians might have to cut back because of it. When doctors faced the same rigmarole last year – a 10% Medicare cut on Jan. 1, 2022 – they told a Texas Medical Association survey they considered not accepting new Medicare patients, opting out of Medicare, retiring, or ending existing Medicare patient relationships. In all, 93% of physicians said they accepted Medicare patients back then.

I fear the same answers if I asked my Texas colleagues what they’ll do if Congress allows this 8.5% January cut. The likely result: fewer physicians seeing Medicare patients, smaller staffs, and longer patient wait times.

TMA, the American Medical Association, and other medical societies are calling for wholesale, permanent Medicare reform. Patients and their doctors deserve a stable, reliable, predictable Medicare physician payment system.

Failing that, House Resolution 8800, the Supporting Medicare Providers Act of 2022, provides temporary relief. Congress should pass that to preserve patient access to care for now.

Ultimately, Medicare patients and the physicians who care for them need Congress to work with doctors to establish a permanent fix to this recurring problem – to stabilize Medicare physician payments to avoid this annual uncertainty, drama, and fear.

It’s time for Congress to act.

Gary W. Floyd, MD, is president of the Texas Medical Association and a resident of Corpus Christi.

This article originally appeared on Corpus Christi Caller Times: Opinion: Congress must act to stop Medicare payment cuts