Opinion: Critical thinking needed to create a culture that elevates truth over falsehood

Dr. Robert Montgomery believes the best option for all nations is to work together for good of all
Dr. Robert Montgomery believes the best option for all nations is to work together for good of all

Our ancestors believed that there were spirits everywhere. Much of this was superstition, but it would be wise to recognize they were not as wrong as we usually think. We live in a world with powerful influences moving among us. These are shared human emotions arising from strongly held shared views. A common opinion of a group is a force that can strongly motivate people. Groups of people can hold the same view that functions very much like “group think.”

Wrong opinions of groups thankfully can be later corrected. For example, much of the world, including America, had a view that women had weaker mental capacities than men. This became part of the culture of societies in most of the world. Social scientists use terms like “culture” and “social forces” to refer to the various views and values held by groups. Anthropologists pay as much attention to what people don’t talk about because this can reveal what they believe most strongly. Sometimes, a culture may be resistant to a foreign power, as it was in America and many newer nations we have seen. A culture leaning in the opposite direction may encourage acceptance of foreign methods, technologies, and languages. These common views or cultural influences may be taken for granted, but they are often led by “opinion leaders” or particular events, like an attack from the outside or an inspiring speech.

America has seen a variety of clashing cultures with its history of slavery, segregation, discriminations, and guns. Today, a variety of cultural views and values continue to influence people’s choices and actions. Some are very harmful to groups of people, such as racist and gun cultures, both cultures accompanied by violence. Surprisingly, the Bible recognizes these invisible powers or cultures that can dominate human life, referring to them as “principalities and powers” (King James Bible) or “rulers and authorities” (NRSV), especially in the passage surrounding Ephesians 6:12. These forces can have a certain authority over groups of people. What is important is that we are told to “wrestle” with them, including to think critically about them, recognizing them as powerful influences over groups of people, ourselves included.

We should first identify the harm or benefit of any group influence. Anything that creates hate, such as prejudice against or disdain for others is an evil social force or aspect of culture. Critical thinking seeks to be objective and consider the causes for harmful views and cultures. The causes for prejudices, such as belief in white supremacy or the belief that society needs a violence-encouraging or a rough-speaking leader leads to evil acts.  Education has usually helped in leading to critical thinking, meaning identifying causes (but not always – look at Hitler’s Germany, which was well educated). Most important are positive experiences of working together with others for the common good. Common endeavors toward common good goals create the social forces that are important for group harmony, including national harmony. This creates a national culture greater than our smaller group cultures.

Our wrestling with these social forces or cultures begins in the realm of mind and spirit. Therefore, this is a time for trustworthy, critical thinkers. They often belong to those who research societies. They may be (not necessarily) religious leaders and institutions. The important task is “to wrestle with,” not simply go along with culture. That points to the importance of free speech and a free press. The free press is anything but “the enemy of the people,” as called by autocrats. The free press exposes views and values, authorities and rulers of minds, and cultures representing powerful forces. The highest authority is the Creator of our spirits and minds and many of us believe that Christ has conquered all other powers and authorities. Furthermore, we do not have “to wrestle” alone. Many others join us and encourage us.

In our difficult times we must first arm ourselves with the truth. The power of evil is in the power to deceive us. We hear the continual denying of truth by the former President and others in the refusal to recognize a lost election. Resistance to the truth led to an insurrection. It also led to the creation of many false conspiracy stories. Much more could be said, but a special challenge in this time of unrest is to wrestle with the social forces using our critical thinking to look for causes, and work to create a culture that elevates truth over falsehood.

Rev. Robert L. Montgomery, who holds a Ph.D. in social scientific studies of religion, lives in Black Mountain.                                                                                         

This article originally appeared on Asheville Citizen Times: Opinion: Critical thinking necessary to elevate truth over fiction