Opinion: Eliminating pocket veto is good government

Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval delivers remarks as the new council convenes for its first full meeting, Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2022, at City Hall in Cincinnati.
Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval delivers remarks as the new council convenes for its first full meeting, Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2022, at City Hall in Cincinnati.

In 1999 when the city of Cincinnati moved to the "stronger mayor" system, one of the unintended consequences was the creation of what is commonly called the "pocket veto." This November, thanks to an ordinance that I proposed with Mayor Aftab Pureval and Councilman Jeff Cramerding that was unanimously approved by City Council, voters will have the opportunity to change the city charter to ensure that we eliminate this loophole.  It will be Issue 11 on the ballot.

Having transparent government is more important now than ever to ensure that citizens can trust their elected officials and know that the interest of the public is front and center. Backdoor deals or threats to wield power undermines that trust.  While talk about a pocket veto may sound like inside baseball that is not relevant to the everyday lives of the average Cincinnatian, that could not be further from the truth.

The existence of the pocket veto enables a mayor and even committee chairs to unilaterally shut down a piece of legislation that they do not like without it even getting a shot at being heard.  In other words, a policy that the public may support but is opposed by a mayor or chair, would not even get a fair shot at a hearing or vote. That’s undemocratic.

Without this change in November, here’s what’s possible: The mayor could delay referring a piece of legislation to a committee until the very last day of City Council. That means the mayor could effectively kill it for the entire 104 weeks of a City Council term. Similarly, a chair of a council committee could also refuse to put an item on their committee agenda in the same manner, which effectively kills it. That’s a lot of power to put in one person. We elect a mayor and nine members of City Council to have an equal say in putting forward policies that serve the public interest. Those should be heard.

In 2015, the Charter Review Task Force conducted a two-year review with significant public input which resulted in recommending this unintended consequence be corrected. In their recommendation, they note that making this change would "greatly improve governmental transparency and accountability to the public with respect to action (or inaction) within the city’s government on legislative proposals." The proposed change to the charter that will be on the ballot this November ensures that all proposed legislation gets a fair shake.

To be clear, Mayor Pureval has committed to never exercising the pocket veto, but in the spirit of Cincinnatus, he has said it’s incumbent on us to make sure that future mayors or committee chairs do not leverage this undemocratic power.  I commend our mayor for supporting this change for the greater public good.

Rebuilding trust in City Hall is not a one-time action.  It requires consistent, genuine leadership.  This is just another step toward rebuilding that trust. So on Nov. 8, please vote yes on Issue 11 to eliminate the pocket veto so we have the right structures in place to ensure transparency and accountability in our local government.

Mark Jeffreys is a Cincinnati City Councilman and member of the Public Safety & Governance Committee.

Mark Jeffreys
Mark Jeffreys

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: Opinion: Eliminating pocket veto is good government