Opinion: Examine design of city streets to make them safer

Riverside Drive in the East End is now a two-lane road, down from four. The city created bike lanes on each side and eliminated street parking on the south side.
Riverside Drive in the East End is now a two-lane road, down from four. The city created bike lanes on each side and eliminated street parking on the south side.

I moved here from Pittsburgh a few months ago, and the similarities made Cincinnati immediately feel like home. Both cities have hilly topography, great parks along the Ohio River, many distinct neighborhoods − each with its own vibe and local businesses, and people who love living here.

But the main difference I have noticed is that it is much more dangerous to get around in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky if you're not in a car. So far this year, there have been 190 car crashes involving pedestrians and two fatal cyclist crashes, both on the same day. Other news outlets have reported on these tragedies and issued calls for this region to invest in road safety. I am writing this to show that it is possible to make Cincinnati streets safer for all users, because I have seen it work in Pittsburgh.

Cincinnati has very wide roads that encourage people to speed and drive dangerously even if the posted limit is low. In the few months I have lived here, I have seen that it is common to have a four-plus lane running straight through a neighborhood. One of the most egregious examples I have observed so far is Madison Road in Walnut Hills where there are up to 5 lanes and cars drive well over 45 mph, yet, this road is a designed bike route. Placing bike route signage and sharrows (shared lanes designated by painted bike image with an arrow) onto fast, wide roads is actually worse than doing nothing because it encourages vulnerable road users to take dangerous routes, without encouraging safer driving behaviors.

The solution is not to create more recreational areas for cyclists and pedestrians away from cars. While these places are great amenities for the city, they do not help transport people to where they need to be in their daily life. It is essential to examine the design of our streets and see where we can alter them to make them livable spaces that are safer for everyone who uses them, no matter their mode of transportation.

Pittsburgh did this through the creation of "neighborways," low-traffic streets designed to be safe and more comfortable alternatives to busy arterial roads. Through traffic-calming measures, route-defining signage, and a focus on connectivity, these streets allow for navigation around the entire city while minimizing interactions with cars. This is not just a bike versus car issue, it's acknowledgment that slower streets are safer for everyone and better for local businesses too.

Vision Zero is a commitment to zero traffic deaths, and it is both a bold concept and a real possibility. Infrastructure and street design choices are not expensive on a city budget scale but the impact they have on how we move through the city is monumental. Examples of what this looks like are "road diets" to decrease the number of lanes, concrete bumpouts near crosswalks to increase the visibility of pedestrians, and bike lanes protected by flex posts and green paint.

The good news is that there is the beginning of a Vision Zero Plan for the city of Cincinnati, as well as the CROWN initiative, a planned 34-mile loop of off-street trails from Tri-state Trails, but we have so much farther to go before Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky can be safe places to live and get around for all road users.

Becky Forgrave lives in Mt. Auburn and is an environmental scientist who researches human impacts to water resources and a passionate community advocate for bicyclists and safe streets.

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: Opinion: Examine design of city streets to make them safer