Opinion: The right to freedom from homelessness

Four centuries ago, 53 surviving Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the 90 indigenous Wampanoag people.

We often forget that those Pilgrims, seeking religious freedom, were homeless when they set sail for the Americas in 1620. A year later, they not only celebrated the harvest but, more importantly, gave thanks for shelter.

When your family gathers in your home this year, chances are you will prepare the same type of meal depicted in Norman Rockwell’s “Freedom from Want.” The painting, created 80 years ago, features grandparents serving a large turkey to generations of smiling, happy relatives.

Rockwell based this and three other paintings on Franklin Roosevelt’s famous “Four Freedoms” speech delivered to Congress in 1941. Franklin, concerned about war in Europe, reminded Americans about our fundamental rights: freedom from want and fear and of speech and religion.

When people lack a home, they confront the twin terrors of want and fear, muting their voices.

The homeless, of course, are free to worship in the many churches, temples and synagogues that also feed those without permanent shelter.

Roosevelt might have added another right: freedom from homelessness. Rockwell likely would have portrayed that within the convention of his times,  depicting parents on the front porch of a dwelling as children frolicked behind a white picket fence.

Soon thousands of us will watch the 1946 film “It’s a Wonderful Life,” another holiday classic whose theme is home ownership. One memorable moment features savings and loan banker George Bailey and his wife Mary blessing their neighbor’s new home with “bread, so that this house may never know hunger; salt, so that life may always have flavor; and wine, so that joy and prosperity may reign forever.”

The scene is awash with happiness as neighbors gather in unity and festivity.

America’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution are based on natural rights as articulated by the philosopher John Locke: life, liberty and property. Thomas Jefferson changed property to pursuit of happiness, vividly depicted in Rockwell’s “Freedom from Want” and Frank Capra’s “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

Now consider the plight of the homeless on a day when everyone else seems to have a home along with the happiness inside it.

Earlier this year the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development published its Annual Homeless Assessment Report documenting that more than 326,000 people were without homes but had shelter.

Estimates are that an additional 15% of that figure were living without shelter.

Some assessments are as high as a half million with and without shelter.

In Iowa, an estimated 2,647 people are homeless, including 227 households, 148 veterans and 146 young adults.

Homelessness in Iowa can be fatal because of our harsh winter.

In February 2021, Luis Alonso Mendoza Sandoval was found dead in a portable toilet outside a Des Moines library. Libraries are unofficial shelters across the state because they provide water, restrooms, rooms and furniture for the public. But they are not open at 3:10 a.m., when Sandoval was found.

"For many, dying homeless means dying alone and forgotten," said Joe Stevens, Joppa CEO and cofounder, during a vigil for the 25 Iowans who died on the streets in 2020. Joppa helps homeless people get access to housing, resources and education.

This year in Polk County the plight of the homeless is particularly dire. The population reportedly has increased by 23% in the past year, with the number unsheltered nearly doubling.

According to the Register, the homeless confront “a 'perfect storm' of the pandemic, inflation, stagnant wages and lack of affordable housing” driving the increase in homelessness.

The Register also published a list of shelters and support services in Polk County for the homeless. Here is another comprehensive list by city in Iowa.

All of these facilities and organizations accept donations.

I am making a $159 donation to The Bridge Home in Ames to ensure that its inhabitants have a Rockwellian home-cooked meal this Thanksgiving. The amount commemorates each year since 1863 when Abraham Lincoln first declared Thanksgiving a national holiday.

Perhaps viewers of this column can match that donation to the shelter or organization of their choice.

Grocery companies in Iowa might add a zero or two to that $159 figure as well as meals to local shelters, if they aren’t already doing so already.

Freedom from homelessness is an American ideal dating back to the country’s founding. That natural right is also a pathway to happiness, freeing the homeless from want and fear so that their voices are heard not only by a higher power but also at higher frequencies in the community.

Michael Bugeja
Michael Bugeja

Michael Bugeja is a distinguished professor of liberal arts and sciences at Iowa State University. These views are his own.

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Opinion: In America, we should have freedom from homelessness