Opinion: How to heal the fractured conservative movement

The Capitol is seen amid the haze and humidity of summer in Washington, Thursday, Aug. 26, 2021.
The Capitol is seen amid the haze and humidity of summer in Washington, Thursday, Aug. 26, 2021. | J. Scott Applewhite, Associated Press

In a time when the ideological landscape of American conservatism appears fragmented and discordant, a glimmer of hope emerges in the form of the ”Freedom Conservatism: A Statement of Principles”.

Signed by more than 80 writers and thinkers from the center-right, this well-crafted document offers a clear path for conservatives to define their values and beliefs in a manner that transcends the prevailing disarray within the movement. It is a vital step toward establishing a cohesive and principled conservative vision for the United States.

The conservative movement in America has long been a tapestry woven from various strands, each representing a different facet of conservative thought. However, recent years have exposed a lack of cohesion within the movement, with divergent factions often overshadowing shared principles. This disunity has weakened the conservative cause and made it difficult to mount a united front against the challenges of our times.

A glaring example of this lack of cohesion is evident in the disagreements over fundamental principles such as limited government, individual liberty and fiscal responsibility. While some conservatives advocate for these values, others prioritize different issues, leading to a fractured movement. In the face of this disarray, the “Freedom Conservatism: A Statement of Principles” offers a unifying vision.


This statement serves as a compass, guiding conservatives toward a common understanding of what it means to be conservative in the United States. By emphasizing foundational conservative principles and values, such as constitutionalism, personal responsibility and free-market capitalism, it provides a framework that bridges the ideological divides within the movement.

Furthermore, the statement offers a path to reasserting the importance of these conservative ideals in an era where they are often overlooked or undermined. It is undeniable that the times are trending toward an increasingly unconservative agenda, with government expansion, erosion of individual liberties and a disregard for fiscal responsibility becoming all too common.

In this context, the statement acts as a beacon of hope for those who fear the erosion of conservative principles in the face of contemporary challenges. It reminds conservatives of the enduring relevance and necessity of their core values in shaping a prosperous and free America.


By rallying around these principles, conservatives can present a united front against the encroachment of big government and the erosion of personal freedoms. They can articulate a compelling vision of limited government, individual empowerment and economic opportunity that resonates with a broad spectrum of Americans.

The “Freedom Conservatism: A Statement of Principles” is a timely and crucial document that can help restore cohesion to the conservative movement in the United States. It provides a clear path forward, offering conservatives a framework to define their values and beliefs in a way that transcends the current disarray within the movement. In a time when the principles of limited government and individual liberty are under threat, this statement serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us of the enduring power of conservative ideals to shape a better future for our nation.

Shakira Jackson holds a B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh in history and political science.