Opinion: From the heart: Navigator helps Cape Cod cancer patients chart their course

Every day, community members face the daunting challenge that comes with a diagnosis of cancer.

Cape Cod Healthcare has continuously broadened its scope to serve the needs of our community. Cancer services now include an experienced local oncology staff, in addition to affiliations with Boston hospitals, encouraging collaboration while providing local resources.

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Five years ago, Cape Cod Hospital added an invaluable position: a patient navigator.

New patient navigator on the job

The dictionary defines a navigator as the person whose job it is to steer the ship, plan and chart the course, pointing the boat in the right direction. In the healthcare system, a navigator is a guiding light — an advocate who helps patients manage the twists and turns of medical screenings, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care.

Barbara Dunn
Barbara Dunn

While the first navigator was hired to work with breast cancer patients, recently a second navigator, Joan Macallister, was brought on board to work with thoracic and GYN cancer patients. Joan is a gift to every patient and family who meets her.

A Barnstable High School graduate, Joan has a bachelor’s degree in nursing. Her career path has included a wide variety of experiences, most recently working as an oncology navigator at Nantucket Cottage Hospital.

“I feel like I’ve been a nurse navigator my whole life,” Joan said. “I’ve worked with a lot of different populations in different settings, but I’ve always been teaching and guiding.”

From the moment a person undergoes testing, perhaps anticipating a potential cancer diagnosis, a navigator is available. Joan describes herself as the “I’ve gotcha person” for the hospital. Everyone who has a concerning test has someone looking out for them, ready to jump in and support them.

Guiding patients through cancer journey

Katie Michaud, executive director of oncology at Cape Cod Hospital, described the importance of the navigator role.

“There are a lot of questions and unknowns in the cancer journey,” Katie emphasized. “Expanding patient navigation services will help our patients to know what happens next and to help keep those next steps moving along when things can feel stuck.”

As a navigator knowledgeable specifically in thoracic cancers, Joan is able to share what the step-by-step pathway will look like, alleviating fears. Finding ways to eliminate barriers to treatment is especially important. When barriers such as transportation to appointments or paying for treatments are addressed early on, patients can then put their energy into their course of treatment rather than other worries.

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“I’m not always going to have all the answers, but I can pave a clearer path by bringing in the right person who can help,” Joan explained.

In her new position, Joan is quickly building relationships with oncology staff. Every Tuesday, she joins a meeting of the thoracic tumor board. During those meetings, treatment approaches are discussed. When a team is aware of what factors are going on behind the scenes, it has a positive effect on the treatment plan. Joan’s perspective helps the board get to know individuals holistically — beyond a scan, a biopsy, or the cancer diagnosis.

Assembling a resource list for patients and developing her own relationships with those resources is a priority for Joan, as navigators are a vital support to those needing help connecting with services. As a result of Cape Cod Healthcare’s collaboration with Boston hospitals, more patients can choose staying on the Cape for their care. Joan noted, “By educating people about resources here and getting them connected, there is still the option of referring to Boston for a second opinion, yet treatments can be done here, dramatically improving quality of life.”

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Because not all patients have the same needs, Joan said, how a navigator communicates with people is key — in other words, meeting them where they are at. The homeless population or those experiencing substance use challenges may have needs that others take for granted. It may be facilitating a referral to a social worker, or for others just providing a listening ear. Doing something as simple as making a phone call and waiting in the queue goes a long way.

Event raising funds to support navigator program

“I try to help them avoid obstacles that cause unnecessary stress,” Joan said.

Working with cancer patients means navigators must manage their own emotions. It is incredibly difficult when someone has a poor prognosis and options may be limited. Joan expressed that the gratitude she receives carries her forward.

“The greatest challenge is also the biggest reward,” she said. “If I can really help that person through what is the most difficult time in their life, and I do that successfully, that truly is the greatest reward.”

Continued funding for the new navigator position will come from charitable dollars raised at an upcoming event hosted by Cape Cod Healthcare and the Soiree by the Bay committee of volunteers on Sept. 21. In my column of August, 2021, I wrote about the work of this committee that I am so honored to be a part of.

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Special friend and fellow committee member Alice O’Neill was passionate about helping others fight cancer. She was our driving force until she lost her own battle with cancer in October 2021. Those who had the pleasure of knowing Alice knew she was the mother, teacher, friend and community member who always offered a shoulder to lean on. I can’t think of a more perfect way to honor Alice, by raising funds for a new nurse navigator — a new shoulder to lean on.

To find out more about this event, please visit www.givetocchc.org/soiree.

Barbara Dunn lives in Marston Mills. She is a retired teacher in the Barnstable Public Schools District and a former School Committee member.

This article originally appeared on Cape Cod Times: Opinion: Navigator helps Cape cancer patients chart their course