Opinion: Here's a simple experiment to help guide a better Iowa

Imagine that you could create an entire society from scratch.

You have the absolute power to determine every facet of it: how decisions are made and by whom, who is educated and what they are taught, who can or must hold certain jobs. When you are finished designing this society, you will live in it.

But there is a catch: you do not know anything about who you will be. You do not know your race, sexual orientation, gender, religion, occupation, or anything else about your future in-society self. You are as likely to be a Black lesbian atheist welder as to be a white straight Christian banker.

This thought experiment, designed by philosopher John Rawls, is a useful guide for designing all kinds of systems, including government. If you are designing the way your state or local government works, you want to design it so that you will be happy to accept being in either the majority or the minority. In short, you want good governance and a fair shot.

Iowans once understood this principle on a gut level. We built systems that selected judges based on the quality of their legal work and writing, not their skills at campaigning or their political connections.

We built systems that allowed our public sector workers to collectively have a say in their pay benefits, and workplace conditions, while preventing the disruptions that strikes could cause to state services.

We built systems that allowed local governments to make decisions about local issues for local people. We built systems that encouraged government transparency so that Iowa’s people could let their elected officials know how proposed legislation would affect them before those changes were fixed in law.

We built systems that made both voting and registering to vote secure and easy.

These systems have been eroded or outright eliminated in recent years. Our state Supreme Court appointments are more susceptible to politically motivated appointments.

Our public sector unions are limited in what they can bargain for. Local government decisions on local matters that match the values of local residents are being overridden by the state government.

Legislation and budgets are determined behind closed doors and rushed through with minimal debate or time for review. And voting has become more difficult every session since 2017.

So let’s engage with that thought experiment. In the Iowa of a decade ago, would you want to be a small farmer taking on Bayer or John Deere before the state Supreme Court? How would you feel about your chances today?

Would you want the current judicial selection system if the other party controlled the governor’s office, or would you prefer the system from a decade ago?

In the Iowa of a decade ago, would you want to be a teacher, trying to get necessary resources despite budget cuts but able to negotiate through your union? How would you feel about that today? What if you worked in an understaffed prison that you didn’t think was safe?

In the Iowa of a decade ago, would you feel comfortable as a local leader trying to make the .best decisions for your community? How about today?

In a few weeks, we will be going to the polls. For those Iowans who cannot vote in person, like those with certain disabilities or those in nursing homes, the window for voting has narrowed precipitously, even as the postal service has slowed mail delivery markedly.

Voting, like so many other things, is more difficult today than it was a decade ago. When it comes time to cast your ballot, ask yourself: do you prefer to live in an Iowa dedicated to principles of good governance? Which candidates support those principles? Vote accordingly.

This article originally appeared on Iowa City Press-Citizen: Opinion: Here's a simple experiment to help guide a better Iowa