OPINION/LETTER: Lessons learned from marijuana legalization and what it means for guns

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Lessons learned from marijuana legalization

I found the question posed by Judy K. Jones in her letter to the editor on April 1 interesting, albeit in a sad way.

In her letter, Ms. Jones asked the question, “Will state legislators have the courage this session to finally put the safety of our children before any other political considerations?”

Although Ms. Jones was referencing gun control legislation, I can answer that question based on my experience (11 years) fighting recreational marijuana legalization – the answer is a resounding “no.”

After years of testimony at the Statehouse with evidence-based research and scientific facts on the societal impacts of marijuana legalization, particularly on youth, and after serving on a legislative study commission that was run, and manipulated, by the very same senator who sponsored the marijuana legalization bill, I realized all my efforts were in vain.

What I have regrettably learned about politics is that it all boils down to three things: political ambition, winning votes and the most powerful of them all – money.

My husband warned me about the ugliness of politics and he was right.

I had put my faith in a few legislators who publicly stated their opposition to the marijuana legalization bill and who I truly believed had the courage and backbone to take a stand for the wellness and safety of our children. Instead, they turned around and voted “yes” to the very legislation they said they would oppose, and the legalization of recreational marijuana was pushed through in 2022.

I know my response in this letter may come across as bitter, and perhaps a part of me will always feel that way, but my experience has been a difficult lesson on the harsh reality of Rhode Island politics.

And it’s a reality that reeks of dishonesty and hypocrisy.

Carol Formica, Middletown

Increased parking costs a short-sighted decision

The proposal by the Newport City Council to increase parking fees from $1.25/hour to $4/hour (a more than 300% increase) in high-traffic areas and extending the paid parking season from March to November, is a misguided attempt to generate revenue for the city. This proposal, which is slated for final approval on April 12, will hurt local businesses, discourage tourism, and unfairly burden workers and those doing business in the city.

A parking fee increase will negatively impact local businesses, especially restaurants. Many visitors come for a day trip or weekend getaway and are attracted to the city's charming streets, unique shops and historic sites. If parking fees become prohibitively expensive, these visitors may choose to go elsewhere, resulting in a significant loss of revenue for local businesses.

The council’s claim that increasing the parking fee will create “turnover” dismisses the reality of human behavior. Do officials really believe a visitor will rush out on dinner with family or friends to save $4? No, the visitor will finish dinner and begrudgingly spend the extra $4. They will also likely spend less at dinner (skip an extra drink, dessert or leave less for the server’s tip) and, even more likely, complain to others about Newport’s “price gouging” parking meters. Is extra revenue worth ruining Newport’s reputation and future tourism?

Have city officials ever parked in Newport in the summer? To say parking is limited is an understatement. Why would someone give up a valuable, limited parking spot in Newport in the summer over a few dollars? They wouldn’t. Also, the goal to create “turnover” parking is detrimental to both reducing traffic and fighting climate change.

Moreover, extending the paid parking season from March to November will hurt small businesses. Many residents from Portsmouth, Middletown and surrounding communities come to Newport to enjoy the off-season peace and quiet. Many restaurants also rely on this business during slower seasons. By extending the paid parking season, local visitors may be discouraged, as they will have to pay exorbitant parking fees even during the off-season.

Finally, the proposed increase in parking fees will unfairly burden workers who cannot afford to live in Newport. Did the City Council do any research on how many workers rely on meter parking in light of the current housing crisis? Increasing parking fees will make it more difficult and expensive for non-residents to park, adding an unnecessary financial burden on those who can least afford it.

The proposed increase in parking fees and extended paid parking season in Newport is a short-sighted measure that will have negative consequences for local businesses, tourism and workers who cannot afford to live in Newport. The city should focus on finding alternative sources of revenue that do not place an undue burden on its visitors.

Sandy McGee, Portsmouth

Time for an outright ban on assault weapons

It is so sad and disheartening that we’ve had another incident where innocent people have been slaughtered by gun violence. Nashville - three children, three adults in the common and noble pursuit of learning – just ripped away from their families and their communities in a blaze of unmitigated horror.

Once again, a weapon of war was used to kill unsuspecting civilians – people who had every right to live another day – to live out their dreams.

Are we kidding ourselves into thinking that the Second Amendment was meant to allow these powerful guns to be used in the performance of such odious acts of inhumanity? People who use them don’t reflect “a well-regulated militia,” nor are they being used in self-defense or even in “sport,” as some would hold.

The "slippery slope," "we already have enough laws on the books," "only criminals are misusing guns," and "guns don’t kill-people do" arguments are utterly meaningless when there is a lifeless body on the ground. Doing nothing is not acceptable.

It is well past the time when we impose an outright ban on the future purchase of assault rifles in Rhode Island. We call on all the people in power to enact laws and enforce regulations RIGHT NOW that will protect us from these senseless, unwarranted, attacks on our human and civil rights and our right to a peaceful society.

James I. ‘Jimmy’ Winters, president National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - Newport County Branch

Trump indictment a 'grotesque perversion of justice'

For years now, Democrats and their coat holders in the liberal media have sanctimoniously positioned themselves as champions and defenders of American democracy, and its cherished norms, traditions and institutions. But Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's indictment of Donald Trump reveals that Democrats are more an offender of these things than a defender.

Make no mistake about it. Mr. Bragg's grotesque perversion of justice to kneecap a political enemy has plunged America into one of its very darkest days. Indeed, this politically motivated stunt orchestrated by the left is but the latest proof that the greatest threats to our democracy and our cherished norms and institutions have come not from the rise of Donald Trump, but rather the response to it.

Michael J. DiStefano, Jamestown

This article originally appeared on Newport Daily News: LETTER: Lessons learned from marijuana legalization