Opinion/Letters: Don't just call the holiday the Fourth of July

A shout-out to those making a difference at Thompson Middle School

As our students head off on summer vacation, they leave with some great memories of fifth grade thanks to the generosity of our Newport community. I’d just like to give a shout-out to a few of our special friends who support our students each and every year.

• Newport Community School Staff…always go the extra mile to support us and our students.

• TMS PTO…fundraising efforts to help our students have a variety of opportunities, including DARE DAY.

• Officer Merrie Scott and Officer Nick St. Lawrence of the Newport Police Department…fostering relationships with our students and putting on a FUN DARE DAY.

• Dominos, Nikolas Pizza, and A-1 pizza for your generous donations to our DARE DAY.

• Aquidneck Pizza for supporting our special positive behavior celebration with discounted pizzas.

• Cathleen Carr and crew at newportFilm…Dr. Ballard documentary & experience at URI/GSO, as well as bringing us “Shaped by Water” and its stars. Incredible!

• Andrea Gingras and URI Graduate School of Oceanography…what a great experience you provided our students this fall. Most of us had no idea you were across the bay.

• Ocean Hour Farm…so excited to “dig up dirt” with you next year and begin our new partnership. Our worm farm is busy composting food scraps as I write. Thank you!

• Newport Public Education Foundation…your support of Newport students and teachers is noteworthy! You provide us with so many wonderful opportunities to share with our students.

• Save the Bay…we cannot wait to venture down to the new aquarium!

• Sail Newport and Cortney Kinsgley…what a great experience The Ocean Race was for our students!

• Jack Cohn…our “math enrichment team coach”. Your dedication and enthusiasm are top notch!

• International Tennis Hall of Fame…your Team Fame program makes such an impact on so many of our students!

• 5C2 and the entire staff at TMS…you are the best crew to work with! Your flexibility and teamwork make it all happen.

• Families of our students…for entrusting us with the education of your students and for your donations, generosity, and kind words of praise and encouragement throughout the year. It was an honor to have your child on our team and we look forward to watching them flourish in the Newport Public Schools and beyond.

To all of you mentioned…you truly make a difference in the lives of children. THANK YOU!!!!

A final thank you to The Newport Daily News and Newport This Week for publishing my letters throughout the year as well. It allows me the opportunity to give a shout-out to the many people/organizations who help educate the students in Newport.

Melissa Turner, Thompson Middle School

Don't just call the holiday the Fourth of July

I would like the general public to remember what the holiday on July 4th is really all about. It's not about cookouts, parades, or fireworks. It's about "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." That is why we should not "Celebrate the 4th;" instead, we should "Celebrate Independence Day" as our Founding Fathers called it.

The Founding Fathers of this great country voted for independence from the British government on July 2, 1776. The Declaration of Independence is a written explanation to their fellow colonists as to why the Continental Congress had voted this way. This document was formally adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776, but it was not signed until August 2, 1776.

I am inviting the public to participate in reading the Declaration of Independence at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, July 4 at the WWI Dough Boy memorial statue in the Bicentennial Green in front of the old Stone Bridge in Tiverton. We all need to remember why we enjoy the freedom we have in this country, and know the reasons why Congress declared our independence as a separate country from Britain.

I will have a limited supply of Declarations available to read from, so "we the people" can take turns in reading aloud this important founding document (don't forget your reading glasses!), but you are welcome to bring your own copy. I hope you will share your experience at this public reading with others who did not attend - and why it is called Independence Day. This event takes about 30 minutes or less, but it may be the most important 30 minutes of the day. Then you can go to your cookouts, parades, and fireworks this weekend knowing why it is such a great American holiday.

Remember, every country has a 4th of July, but only in America is it Independence Day.

Susan Anderson, Tiverton

This article originally appeared on Newport Daily News: Don't just call the holiday the Fourth of July: Letters