Opinion/Letters: As a local business, we put our trust in the FDA

As a local business, we put our trust in the FDA

Our business relies on meeting customer demand. That's why we have been stocking more and more low- and zero-calorie options in foods and beverages over the years. People buy them.

One reason why any of the products on our shelves are purchased is because consumers know that when we stock them – they are safe. Our government, the regulators including and led by groups like the FDA, has said they are. But a new set of contradicting reviews from international agencies could confuse people. They might start to have doubts about what products are safe.

I’m not a doctor nor a scientist, I stock my shelves without having to think twice about what is safe or is not. That’s because the FDA has kept Americans safe for over 100 years. Each day we are bombarded by news and information online, in print, on TV and on the radio – the last thing we need is misinformation about what is safe for my consumers. Sensational headlines should not drive public health and safety, we need institutions here in the United States to give us confidence.

When I see the phrase: FDA approved, I know what that means – its proven and its trusted. It means a product is safe to sell and to consume. I am asking those in power to back up the FDA and to support its authority. Our businesses, and the people we serve, depend on it.-

Valdemar Leite, president Ma's Donuts and more, Middletown

Thank you for Union Public Library support

On behalf of the Union Public Library Association, I would like to thank the Greater Tiverton Community for their support of our annual book sale, yard sale and bake sale fundraiser held on July 16th. It was a great success even with the rain! Thank you to everyone who came out to shop for bargains, those who donated items for the sale, the volunteers who put in countless hours sorting and transporting books and yard sale items and those that helped with set up, event tasks and clean up.

All of the proceeds from the event will go towards maintaining Union Public Library's building and grounds. We are especially grateful for everyone's support, since the pandemic has limited our fundraising and event options. Union Public Library, located at 3832 Main Road in Tiverton, is the second oldest library in Newport County and has been uniting readers since 1820. It is through the generosity of our supporters, that we have been able to keep the structure in good repair and accessible to library patrons for generations. The library is open on Tuesdays from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. We encourage you to stop by and visit this local treasure. We welcome new members and new volunteers to help out with various tasks to maintain the building and grounds, and to assist the librarian during the regular hours of operation. Those who are interested may visit the library or call 401-625-6799 for more information.

Barbie Lewis, volunteer coordinator Union Public Library Association, Tiverton

Democrats continue to embarass

Wednesday's Republican-led IRS whistleblower hearings into ostensible Biden family corruption and preferential treatment proved enormously entertaining, not to mention deeply disturbing. To the surprise of no one, Democrats on the House Oversight Committee immediately proceeded to make fools of themselves, predictably veering off topic and repeatedly invoking Donald Trump's name despite Mr. Trump not being the focus of the hearings.

Many political observers assumed that Democrats couldn't possibly humiliate themselves more than they did during the disastrous Michael Cohen hearings, which quickly devolved into one of the most sordid spectacles to ever unfold in the history of Capitol Hill. Regrettably, those assumptions were erroneous.

Thanks to the Democrats' juvenile antics, Wednesday's hearing turned into an absolute circus, one that would have made the Ringling Brothers blush. Committee Democrats openly competed with one another to see who could act like the biggest clown, childishly grandstanding, asking inane questions, and needlessly injecting either race or Donald Trump into the proceedings. There was an insanity to it all.

Perhaps someone should remind our Democrat friends that, despite what we may have been told growing up, not everyone loves a circus.

Michael J. DiStefano, Jamestown

This article originally appeared on Newport Daily News: Opinion/Letters: As a local business, we put our trust in the FDA