OPINION/LETTERS: Transparency lacking from Newport, Middletown school leaders

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Thompson Veterans Day assembly a great event

It was great to read about all of the amazing ways our community celebrated Veterans Day. I'd like to add another meaningful event (one of my personal favorites)...the Thompson Middle School Fifth Grade 7th annual Veterans Day Assembly, which was held on Thursday, Nov. 10. We were honored to have several veterans in attendance. Thank you to Kevin McCormick, Lt. Col. Stephen DeTrinis, Dennis Tardiff, James Jackson, Don Chilton, and Ret. Col. Christopher Corbett for your service to our country and for attending our event. Thank you to the TMS advanced band in the JROTC from Rogers High School for your part in our assembly. A very special thank you to Rep. Marvin Abney (Retired Major) for taking the time to attend (for the 7th year in a row) and speak to our students about the importance of serving our country and of always "doing your best."

Melissa Turner, Newport

Transparency lacking from Newport, Middletown school leaders

Newport school officials failed to disclose a $20,000,000 deficiency in the $98,000,000 bonded budget for a new Rogers High School. The Newport administration didn’t think the public needed to know about the additional $20,000,000 before the election and the vote on school regionalization with Middletown. The officials thought that the public wouldn’t understand the uncertainties around the $20,000,000.

At a special Middletown School Committee meeting after the election but before new members could be sworn in, the superintendent’s contract was extended to June 30, 2024. At that special meeting, the old committee refused to hear from a Middletown Town Councilor who had legitimate questions from his constituents about the timing and wisdom of that extension. The superintendent’s last publicly reported salary was about $178,000 and there is still an unauthorized, suspicious, and unexplained $2,000,000 over expenditure by the school department. The Middletown School Committee justified their denial of the Town Councilor’s speech based on their executive session actions. Last November the School Administration tried to hide their $2,000,000 over expenditure from the public by holding discussions in executive session but the town administrator corrected their malfeasance.

November’s RICAS results report poor academic performance in Newport and Middletown. Fewer than 1 in 7 Newport students and fewer than 1 in 3 Middletown students meet mathematics expectations; results for English are not much better.

Our local government school administrations are harming our community and they are setting bad examples of integrity and accountability. It is time to clean up their mess by giving parents school choice and school vouchers so they can find the best solutions for their children's education.

Paul Mankofsky, Middletown

Kate Leonard will be missed

I would like to congratulate Kate Leonard for her many years of service to the citizens of Newport and especially the Third Ward that she has represented for many years. Kate has worked tirelessly for the best interests of the city and always had its, best interests in all her decisions. Kate has always been informative and responsive whenever I had contacted her with a thought or concern and she always responded quickly and appropriately with her thoughts on whatever issues I brought forth. Kate has always been an asset to her beloved city and stood up for her beliefs when she thought they were in the best interest of the city of Newport and its citizens. I doubt if Kate will just take a back seat in her retirement and will probably still be in the background continuing her quest to keep Newport the great city that it is. Thank you, Kate for a job well done and enjoy knowing that you have supported your city in the best way possible. With sincere best wishes as you move forward along your journey.

Marilyn Moffatt, Newport

Farewell Nancy Pelosi

When he closed the book on Watergate, President Gerald Ford declared, “My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over.” Now that Nancy Pelosi is surrendering her leadership role in Congress, cannot the same be said today?

Michael J. DiStefano, Jamestown

Appreciation for campaign support

I’d like to thank everyone who worked on my campaign and those who voted for me in the last election. It is an honor to represent State Senate District 11.

During my campaign for state senator, I knocked on thousands of doors and heard about the issues that matter to people in Portsmouth and southern Bristol. It will be a great privilege to make these issues my priorities at the Statehouse.

My campaign has ended but our dialogue has not. I will always be willing to listen and respond to the best of my ability. Please feel free to reach out to me at lindaujifusa.ri@gmail.com OR (401) 472-4721.

I wish everyone a peaceful holiday season.

Linda Ujifusa, State Senator-elect Dist 11, Portsmouth

This article originally appeared on Newport Daily News: LETTERS: Transparency lacking from Newport, Middletown school leaders