Opinion: You may want to vote Democrat this election cycle

Voters trickled in at Mercer Elementary in Anderson Township for the primary, Tuesday, May 3, 2022. Some workers thought the heavy rain was keeping people away. And the ability to do early voting.
Voters trickled in at Mercer Elementary in Anderson Township for the primary, Tuesday, May 3, 2022. Some workers thought the heavy rain was keeping people away. And the ability to do early voting.

In the wake of mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, Republicans who insist assault rifles are essential for everyday Americans to protect their homes and property demonstrate their hypocrisy daily.

They opine on one hand about the value of life in utero, yet on the other, talk callously about the need to "harden" school "targets" against mostly white males in crisis who legally use weapons of war to kill us and our innocent children.

If you think we need commonsense gun laws – the leading cause for children’s deaths in the U.S. now comes from a gun – you may want to vote Democrat this political season.

Ohio Republicans are poised to pass a draconian anti-abortion law when the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. This law will forbid all abortions – no exceptions – not even teens who are rape or incest victims, or women with dangerous pregnancies that threaten their lives.

If you think denying women the right to choose if and when to have children also denies them basic rights as human beings, you may want to vote Democrat this political season.

Also at the state level, Republicans prove by their actions on energy policy and the disgrace we call voting redistricting that they not only flout the rule of law and cheat to stay in power – they force taxpayers to pay for it, too.

The FBI’s HB 6 racketeering case against state Republican Party leaders illustrates the party’s depth of corruption. Republicans doled out $60 million in FirstEnergy dark money checks to legislators statewide in exchange for votes to keep Ohio tied to fossil fuels – via two aging nuclear reactors and another two coal-fired electric plants.

Ohioans must now pay a $1.3 billion fossil fuel tax for the next decade – while we’re simultaneously in a desperate race against the clock to reduce carbon and keep global warming down to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Plus, HB 6 money was used to quash wind and solar sustainable energy projects in Ohio. Google "Sam Randazzo" and "PUCO" for details.

If you’re shocked and disgusted at the Republican Party’s audacity, you may want to vote Democrat this political season.

In Butler County, auditor Roger Reynolds has been indicted for bribery and corruption. He follows in a line of Republican Butler County office holders who have pled guilty or been convicted of serious misconduct over the years: Mike Fox, Kay Rogers and Wes Retherford.

State Sen. George Lang (R-West Chester) has also displayed questionable ethics throughout his political career. Lang was the sponsor of SB 242, which effectively prevents community plastic bag bans in Ohio. In a world drowning in plastic, why does Lang think more plastic bags blowing across the state and polluting our waterways is OK? Follow the money. He has long accepted FirstEnergy dark money and campaign donations from other fossil fuel-connected organizations.

If you think Ohio lawmakers need an ethics policy to prevent them from sponsoring and supporting shameless, pay-to-play legislation, you may want to vote Democrat this political season.

Regarding the creation of fair voting districts, the Republican-dominated redistricting committee succeeded in getting a set of gerrymandered voting maps approved by federal judges despite the maps’ rejection by the Ohio Supreme Court five separate times. The maps are in place for our second primary election, which will cost taxpayers an extra $20 million to $25 million.

If you believe every citizen’s vote should count, you may want to vote Democrat this political season.

I invite you to check out the Democratic Party. Vote for ethical, commonsense candidates with a desire to serve the people, not themselves or their political party.

Kathy Wyenandt, of Fairfield Township, is chair of the Butler County Democratic Party. For more information about the Butler County Democratic Party, visit https://www.butlercountydems.org.

Kathy Wyenandt
Kathy Wyenandt

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: Opinion: You may want to vote Democrat this election cycle