Opinion: Medicare coverage of hearing aids would mean better lives for Iowans like my husband and me

I started to notice the severe deterioration in my husband William’s hearing even before he retired from the Firestone plant in Des Moines 12 years ago.

He turned up the television so loud that it was painful for me to be in the same room with him. He grew frustrated trying to converse with others and, over time, began relying on me to communicate for him.

That’s why my name, not his, is on this essay asking our U.S. senators to vote for the Build Back Better bill and expand Medicare to include hearing care for seniors.

William would lead a fuller life if Medicare covered hearing tests, hearing aids and related services, just like it covers other essential care for retirees. And if he enjoyed retirement more, I would, too.

Hearing loss is one of the most common ailments older people experience. It’s linked to depression, dementia, falls and other health issues. Left untreated, it keeps getting worse.

But only now, in the legislation passed by the House a couple of weeks ago, is the nation poised to address this long-neglected issue and cover hearing care, including hearing aids, for the first time.

After working hard all their lives, retirees shouldn’t have to resign themselves to hearing loss. They shouldn’t be forced to choose between buying hearing aids or paying other bills. Yet millions go without hearing aids because of the cost.

Carol Woodlund and William Woodlund
Carol Woodlund and William Woodlund

For years, William was one of them. Unable to afford the expense, we muddled through.

William tried to read lips so he could engage with people around him, but he never got very proficient at it. I installed a special telephone that’s extremely loud when it rings and transcribes my voice, so William can speak with me in case I need to reach him while I’m out. He never liked using it.

As his hearing continued to decline, he began depending on me not just to interpret for him but to manage all of our household affairs. He struggled to use a cellphone or interact with repair people who showed up at the house.

We eventually put together $2,600 and bought him hearing aids. But these were cheap ones, as hearing aids go, and helped only a little.

Finally, a few months ago, we splurged on a higher-quality set that cost $6,000. Our Medicare supplement covered only $2,000. We dipped into our household emergency fund to cover the rest, and now, we just hope we won’t face any unexpected repairs to the car or house.

It’s all been so draining — and unnecessary.

Hearing is essential to independence, dignity and quality of life. Our senators need to realize how much is at stake in the Build Back Better bill and ensure seniors receive the care they deserve.

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Carol Woodlund is a retired insurance company worker. William Woodlund, a longtime member of the United Steelworkers, worked for Firestone for 36 years. The couple live in Madrid.

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Opinion: Medicare-covered hearing aids can transform families