Opinion: Michigan doctors fear 'real and dangerous future' post-Roe, without abortion care

It's been less than a month since Roe fell, and as board-certified obstetrician-gynecologists, we are already seeing the fallout from abortion restrictions both in neighboring states and states far away.

We've cared for patients with planned pregnancies with serious fetal complications who have flown to Michigan from Texas, unable to get the compassionate care they needed in their home state.

We've seen non-pregnant people with arthritis denied their medications by pharmacists who feared dispensing medicines that could negatively impact a pregnancy in a post-Roe world.

We’ve cared for people with life-threatening cesarean scar ectopic pregnancies whose doctors in states with abortion bans feared that providing standard medical care would land them in jail.

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We’ve watched people with infertility suffer as doctors struggle to provide IVF and infertility care, shackled by the ripple effects of abortion bans.

And we’ve watched in horror as extremists attacked a fellow OBGYN providing compassionate, medically and legally appropriate care to a young rape survivor fleeing the Ohio abortion ban.

Anti-abortion extremists are using far-fetched hypotheticals to scare people into thinking the Reproductive Freedom for All initiative is extreme or dangerous. In fact, the scary reality is the impact of abortion bans. For Michiganders, that reality is on our doorstep.

Earlier this month, with the submission of more than 750,000 signatures in support of the Reproductive Freedom for All ballot initiative, Michigan moved one step closer to ensuring Michiganders won’t be forced to flee the state to access comprehensive, safe, medical care.

This initiative would reinstate and codify the rights recently stripped away by the overturn of Roe vs Wade. If it weren’t for the current injunction on Michigan’s 1931 abortion ban, Michiganders would find themselves traveling to surrounding states like Illinois and Minnesota right now to access abortion care.

One in four Michiganders who can become pregnant will have an abortion in their lifetime. Abortion care is safe, and it’s something Michiganders should be able to access without medically unnecessary political interference.

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With the Reproductive Freedom amendment filling the void left by Roe, a mother of four in Alpena, working two jobs to build a better life for her children, could get a medication abortion at six weeks of pregnancy without using all her savings to pay for childcare and out-of-state travel. More than 90% of abortion care is in situations like this — early in the first trimester of pregnancy.

More rarely abortion care is provided near the mid-point of pregnancy, often in incredibly difficult situations. Under Roe and with the Reproductive Freedom for All amendment, a daughter in Grand Rapids whose water breaks at 20 weeks of pregnancy wouldn't be forced to wait for a life-threatening infection in her uterus to receive life-saving abortion care. In states with abortion bans, some patients in her situation are not receiving appropriate, life-saving abortion care until their situation becomes dire.

A family from Flint with a desired pregnancy who receives a diagnosis of devastating fetal anomalies at their routine mid-pregnancy ultrasound and feels abortion care is the most compassionate decision could get care in their home state — close to their family and church.

A doctor in Marquette caring for a patient with an ectopic pregnancy could focus on caring for the patient in front of her, rather than fearing felony charges for providing medical care.

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This is care that the Reproductive Freedom for All amendment would protect in the state of Michigan: safe, compassionate, evidence-based healthcare.

Abortion care is safe, common, and recognized as critical healthcare by all major medical societies including the American Medical Association and the World Health Organization. Nonpartisan healthcare organizations, including the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Michigan Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, the Michigan Academy of Family Physicians and the Michigan Nurses Association have endorsed the Reproductive Freedom for All amendment.

Words matter. Misinformation and fearmongering must not keep our friends, neighbors, and loved ones from accessing healthcare. There is a real and dangerous future lurking on our doorstep — a Michigan without Roe and with a revived 1931 abortion ban — a Michigan without the protections of the Reproductive Freedom for All amendment. We don't need to imagine what that Michigan might look like, because it's a reality today in states with abortion bans where people are forced to flee their home states for healthcare. This doesn't have to be the future for Michigan; we can protect healthcare access by voting for the Reproductive Freedom for All ballot initiative.

A Michigan with the Reproductive Freedom for All amendment is a Michigan with the protections of Roe restored — a Michigan where people can get safe, comprehensive healthcare, and where doctors like us can practice evidence-based medicine without criminalization.

Halley Crissman, MD, MPH, FACOG and Lauren Owens, MD, MPH, FACOG, are the advocacy co-chairs for the Michigan Section of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Opinion: Doctors fear post-Roe Michigan without abortion care