Opinion/Middendorf: The queen's Bicentennial visit to where the Revolution began

Commanding Officer Tyrone G. Martin welcomed Queen Elizabeth II aboard USS Constitution, along with Secretary of the Navy J. William Middendorf, center, and Prince Philip, in background, on July 11, 1976.
Commanding Officer Tyrone G. Martin welcomed Queen Elizabeth II aboard USS Constitution, along with Secretary of the Navy J. William Middendorf, center, and Prince Philip, in background, on July 11, 1976.
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William J. Middendorf is a former secretary of the Navy and the author of "On My Watch," to be published in 2023. He lives in Little Compton.

We had not seen anything like it, and it was the only chance we would ever have to throw a 200th birthday party for the nation. It started on the anniversary of Paul Revere's ride, April 18, 1975, ran through the high point of July 4, 1976, and continued to the end of that year.

On July 11, 1976. Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, Prince Philip, visited the USS Constitution (Old Ironsides) as part of our country's bicentennial celebration of the American Revolution. Boston was the last stop on the queen's 1976 USA tour, when she visited Washington, Philadelphia, New York City, Charlottesville, Virginia, and Newport. As secretary of the Navy, I greeted the royal couple as they came on board, shortly after Her Majesty's yacht Britannia received a 21-gun salute from Old Ironsides.

It was the only time a sitting monarch ever stepped foot on the decks of America's Ship of State. Army helicopters, National Guard officers, local police and Secret Service were all present to ensure the queen's safety.

Various bands and dance ensembles entertained thousands of spectators as they eagerly waited outside. I will never forget the Queen's opening remarks. "We have been very moved by the welcome we have received in this city, particularly since it was here – in Boston – that all began and it was not many miles from here, at Lexington and Concord, that the first shots were fired in the war between Britain and America, 201 years ago," the queen said.

"If Paul Revere, Samuel Adams and other patriots could have known that one day a British monarch would stand beneath the balcony of the Old State House, from which the Declaration of Independence was first read to the people of Boston, and be greeted so kindly, I think they would have been surprised. But perhaps they would have been pleased to know that we eventually came together again as free people and friends and defended together the very ideas for which the American Revolution was fought."

After presenting the queen with a silver chalice made by Paul Revere, I took the royal couple on a tour of the USS Constitution. I had done my homework, carefully learning about the ship's armament, range and firepower. I had also carefully studied the many knots that seamen had to master at that time. I thought I was well prepared, but the queen, politely but firmly, corrected some of my misconceptions. I was told that she operated as a mechanic during World War II. After listening to her explain all of the nautical knots and the ship's firepower, I had no doubts about her mechanical ability.

The royal visit ended on the Britannia, where a private party took place before the ship set sail to Canada, where the queen was slated to open the Olympics.

My impression of the royal couple was that Queen Elizabeth II was a very gracious and extremely bright lady. Prince Philip was quiet, but it was apparent that he provided a tremendous support system for the queen. We exchanged a few private jokes during our tour of Old Ironsides. I understood why the queen described Prince Philip as her anchor and steadying force when he died on Aug. 9, 2021.

When Queen Elizabeth II died on Sept. 8, I was not at all surprised that she had become the longest-ruling monarch in English history.

This article originally appeared on The Providence Journal: Opinion/Middendorf: The queen's Bicentennial visit to where the Revolution began