Opinion: Milwaukee should definitely host the RNC. It will raise the city's profile.

If Milwaukee is selected to host the Republican National Convention, the city will benefit from $200 million in economic impact.

That's $200 million to help 50,000 Milwaukeeans employed by hospitality businesses. And that’s $200 million to help countless local businesses, many of whom were ravaged by the pandemic and are still struggling due to supply-chain issues and labor shortages.

But beyond the immediate windfall, the RNC will positively elevate the profile of our city throughout the world, attracting other major events to southeastern Wisconsin for the long-term, and leading to more business and more money invested in our economy. That helps every resident and business in our region.

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As a business owner, parent, former board chair of VISIT Milwaukee, and someone who deeply loves this community, the RNC is an undeniable game-changer.

My perspective hasn’t changed since we bid and landed the Democratic National Convention. I said it then and I will say it today: All major political parties should choose Milwaukee. It is not about red or blue. It is about the green that these major events bring to a city.

Just before the city began bidding on the DNC, the Wisconsin Center hosted a large convention for a group that had local and national detractors. But, at the end of the day, that group filled our restaurants, bars and hotels and left a lot of money behind in the process. What stuck with me most, though, was a conversation I had with one of my servers at Carnevor in the lead-up to that convention. When we were planning staffing to welcome this group, my server began crying when it hit her that, thanks to this convention, her kids would soon experience their best Christmas yet.

That is what it means to bring meetings business to Milwaukee, and that is why I am voicing my support for the 2024 RNC today.

With 45,000 attendees from around the country, this convention will provide an immediate boost to the businesses and their employees hurt worst by the pandemic. It will also elevate the perception of our city, thanks to the thousands of members of the media who will be here showcasing to the world what an amazing, exciting, and safe place Milwaukee is. Milwaukee’s pursuit of this convention alone has already generated 6 billion impressions, or roughly the reach of an entire Super Bowl’s worth of ads. This exposure keeps the city top of mind for travelers, meeting planners, and businesses alike.

In the years since Cleveland hosted the RNC in 2016, meeting leads have nearly doubled. Cleveland also attributes its landing of the 2021 NFL Draft, the 2019 MLB All-Star Game and the 2022 NBA All-Star game in part because of the vetting from the RNC.

Other long-term benefits are nothing to scoff at. In 2012, for that year’s Republican National Convention, cellular providers collectively invested millions in Tampa Bay’s data networks. In the lead-up to Cleveland’s RNC, AT&T alone invested $325 million in wireless and wired network upgrades. Upgrades like these would improve quality of life for all Milwaukeeans.

These kind of investments and exposure equal growth in our community, and that growth creates more visitors, more residents, and a stronger Milwaukee for many years to come. This is the growth Milwaukee deserves, and we must think of the 2024 Republican National Convention as a key component to get us there.

Omar Shaikh is owner of Carnevor and co-owner/founder of 3rd Street Market Hall in Milwaukee.

This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Milwaukee should definitely host RNC. It will raise our profile.