OPINION: Moore sets good example by naming fields after Galligan

May 10—Though it typically hurts our country's citizens, bitter partisanship is the name of the political game.

Even the slightest agreements or concessions between Democrats and Republicans can lead to repercussions. On major issues, siding with or simply meeting the other party in the middle can bring the wrath of voters and political organizations.

In February, the Republican National Committee voted to censure two GOP U.S. representatives, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, over their involvement with the panel investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection.

Democrats attacked U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, a fellow party member, because of his moderate stances and refusal, in particular, to back President Joe Biden's Build Back Better Act.

As we continue to further polarize ourselves over politics, it was refreshing to see a great example of respect between opposing sides in Jeffersonville.

Those who know the recent political history of the city are quite familiar with Mayor Mike Moore and former Mayor Tom Galligan. Moore ousted Galligan in 2011 and the Republican held off the Democrat to win re-election in 2019.

Galligan and Moore have had many political disagreements, including over how to get the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency off the city's back. Galligan wanted to build a canal. Moore campaigned that such an idea was too costly, and the utility elected to undertake a major pipe replacement and upgrade project that's ongoing.

Despite their differences, both have had a sizable impact on Jeffersonville's success. And Moore, who was under no obligation to do so, gave a tip of the hat to Galligan earlier this month. The city named the ballfields at Richard Vissing Park in honor of Galligan. During the ceremony, Galligan and Moore smiled side-by-side in front of new signage that declares "Welcome to Tom Galligan Fields."

Moore said naming the fields after Galligan was done because of the former mayor's commitment to expanding the park.

This was a great gesture by Moore and a recognition Galligan deserved. This simple act should also serve as an example to elected officials — local, state and federal — that politics doesn't always have to be a knife fight.

Our country faces serious dilemmas. Record inflation, rising violence and fear of a global war are among those problems. There's a place for passionate debate over how we should deal with such issues.

But somewhere along the way, we've lost a sense of respect for one another. Many of our elected officials mirror this rampant disdain. Naming ballfields after a former mayor won't solve the world's problems, but it shows a sense of decency that's severely lacking in our world.