Opinion: Our nation's unity, strength are enhanced when all people have self-esteem

Dr. Robert Montgomery believes the best option for all nations is to work together for good of all
Dr. Robert Montgomery believes the best option for all nations is to work together for good of all

Indigenous (or aboriginal) people in the modern era continually encountered more technologically advanced people. We can go back earlier to the European tribes and other tribal people who encountered the Romans and other ancient civilizations in the Middle East and Asia.

People from the more advanced civilizations usually far outnumbered the indigenous people and looked down on them. Often, indigenous people retreated to wilder areas where the technologically advanced people had not gone. They also often resisted the invading people and stopped their encroachments at some points. Although looked down upon, the indigenous people were definitely not less intelligent than the people considered civilized – “civil” referring to the fact that they lived in cities. The latter also usually had some form of writing, while the indigenous people were pre-literate.

I encountered indigenous peoples on Taiwan, where there are some 18 or more recognized groups of varying numbers. Anthropologists state that they are part of the original Asian population that migrated out to the Pacific islands. They were pre-literate until their languages were analyzed and the Bible translated into them. I started learning one of them. Their language was unrelated to the Chinese that I knew. Most people know that China is an ancient civilization that had cities and a written language over 1,000 years before Christ. In Taiwan, the majority population began to come from south China to Taiwan only about 400 years ago. This new population far out-numbered the indigenous people and looked at them, some of whom were head hunters, as uncivilized.

What blew me away when I arrived in Taiwan in 1956 was the large number of indigenous people that had become Christians. The groups I worked among (Amis and Taroko) had built their own churches in most of their villages. The Bible was being translated to their languages, and they worshipped in their own languages with their own ministers that were trained in a school founded by the Presbyterian Church of Taiwan. I had a wonderful time with the very responsive indigenous people, when many of my colleagues in America were struggling with the issue of segregation as it was being dismantled in the 1960s. 

I kept asking myself, why was this Christian movement taking place in Taiwan? The indigenous people, who made up about 2% of the population became about 40% of the Presbyterian Church of Taiwan. This church had a history going back to the missionaries from England and Canada who had come to Taiwan in the 1860s. China had a very bad relationship with Western countries, which had fought with China and forced unequal treaties on it, including requiring trade in opium. Opium was the major import to Taiwan in the latter part of the 19th century. Japan took over Taiwan (Formosa) from China in 1895 and ruled it until 1945. However, in contrast to the majority population, the indigenous people were not familiar with Western people. Most indigenous people were looked down on by the Chinese majority population. I came to realize that the Christian message reversed the self-conception of the indigenous people from low self-esteem to high self-esteem based on consciousness of being loved by God and considered God’s people.

My experience affected my view of the great effect self-esteem has had in world history. As I looked around the world, including at my own indigenous European barbarian ancestors, I saw this effect. The European barbarians were looked down on by the civilized Mediterranean people, but Rome declined and the tribes became European nations. The later technical achievements of the European nations actually turned them into proud peoples who fought each other and dominated other peoples, including peoples from the old civilizations. Self-esteem became too high. The Colonial Era that developed from European incursions collapsed as recently as World War II.

Today the world’s nations are in quite a different place than before World War II. The United Nations issued the Declaration of Universal Human Rights in 1948. Peoples around the world have gained much self-esteem as human beings. The United States is a powerful nation made up of peoples from all over the world. We now wisely seek to develop as many allies as possible, especially with other democracies. Democracies are based on populations having the self-esteem of free and independent people.

The unity and strength of our nation and our ability to lift other nations is greatly enhanced when all segments of our population have self-esteem.

Rev. Robert L. Montgomery, who holds a Ph.D. in social scientific studies of religion, lives in Black Mountain.                                                                               

This article originally appeared on Asheville Citizen Times: Opinion: Unity, strength are enhanced when self-esteem is encouraged