Opinion: Nothing new here with racist Jews, antisemitic Blacks

Rapper Kanye West smiles as he listens to a question from a reporter during a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House with President Donald Trump, Thursday, Oct. 11, 2018, in Washington.
Rapper Kanye West smiles as he listens to a question from a reporter during a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House with President Donald Trump, Thursday, Oct. 11, 2018, in Washington.

Rabbi Ari Ballaban wrote an opinion piece in the Nov. 10 Enquirer entitled, "Cleaning up Kanye West, Kyrie Irving's antisemitic mess," in which he offers three key lessons from this debacle.

His first takeaway is that true allyship should have no buts. Ballaban states that his Jewish peers and family members are hearing, "I disagree with West/Irving but..."

Cincinnati Jewish leader reacts:Cleaning up Kanye West, Kyrie Irving's antisemitic mess

His second takeaway based on Adidas' delay in canceling its partnership with West is that true allyship and bravery does not count the math, but makes the right decisions based on what's right.

It's his third takeaway that brings me to write. He states that there is an "unanswered question": Is there a new social schism between Blacks and Jews in America? Ballaban states that some Jews now wonder if the people they thought of as allies secretly harbor suspicions about them.

The answer to the rabbi's "unanswered question" is found in his quote from Ecclesiastes: "There is nothing new under the sun."

Former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling was banned for life from the Clippers organization over racist comments.
Former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling was banned for life from the Clippers organization over racist comments.

There are and have been racist Jews and antisemitic Blacks from Day One. I do not believe Irving or West's anti-Jewish rants, statements or re-tweets portend a new schism any more than the racist comments about Black people made by Donald Sterling, the former owner of the Los Angeles Clippers and son of Jewish immigrants, were a sign of a new schism.

But it's Rabbi Ballaban's second query that needs to be unpacked. "Some Jews now wonder: Do people we thought of as allies − for whom we fight, alongside whom we’ve marched − secretly harbor suspicions about us?"

Ballaban seems to be harkening back to the days of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, three young men (two of them Jews and the other Black) who lost their lives to the Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi while fighting for the civil rights of Black Americans. He may also be harkening back to the relationship of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who were brought together on Nov. 19, 1963 when both addressed The United Synagogue of America's Golden Jubilee Convention in New York City, or when Rabbi Heschel joined the march from Selma to Montgomery and stated, "he felt like his legs were praying," as he marched next to King.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. links arms with other civil rights leaders as they begin the march to the state capitol in Montgomery from Selma, Ala. on March 21, 1965. The demonstrators are marching for voter registration rights for blacks. Accompanying Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (fourth from right), are on his left Ralph Bunche, undersecretary of the United Nations, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, and Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth. They are wearing leis given by a Hawaiian group. (AP Photo)

But that allyship took a hit on that fateful day of April 4, 1968 that we have not fully recovered from. As cities burned across America, many of the merchants burned out were Jewish and that began a northern exodus of the Jewish community leaving behind synagogues that are now Black churches in Avondale, Bond Hill and Roselawn.

I am willing to join Rabbi Ballaban in asking and answering the question about secretly harbored suspicions as long as we are willing to uncover those held by both groups.

Who knows, Ballaban may very well be the new Rabbi Heschel in Cincinnati.

Rev. Damon Lynch III is pastor of New Prospect Baptist Church in Roselawn.

Rev. Damon Lynch III
Rev. Damon Lynch III

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: Opinion: Nothing new here with racist Jews, antisemitic Blacks