Opinion: Paid family leave critical if Roe overturned

The recent leak of a draft United States Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, has left us with questions about how such a leak could happen and what impact, if any, the leak could have on the court’s ultimate decision. While I am confident the court will follow the law despite any political pressure to do otherwise, I along with so many others anxiously await the release of the its final opinion.

I have spent over 15 years on the front lines of the pro-life movement working to protect the unborn as well as scared, confused, pregnant mothers who don’t know where to turn. I devoted over 10 years to serving these mothers at Pregnancy Center East where I worked as associate director, volunteer recruiter and trainer, fundraiser and client advocate. And in my current role as executive director of Cincinnati Right to Life, I continue to advocate for the unborn and the mothers who carry them.

Over the past several years, I have seen and learned first-hand that fear is the biggest factor in whether a woman considering abortion will choose life or death for her unborn child. And, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, the most common fear these women face is financial instability.

Many women are scared that an unplanned pregnancy would derail the financial stability they have fought hard to attain and maintain, and statistically they could be correct. Forty-eight percent of mothers with household incomes under $30,000 go on public assistance after the birth of a baby.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. If these women had the option of paid family leave, they could choose life for their baby without the fear of having to take unpaid time off or lose their job. After taking paid leave, mothers are 39% less likely to go on public assistance and 40% less likely to need food stamps. And women who have access to paid family leave at the time of their child’s birth are more likely to be in the labor force up to five years after that birth.

Currently, however, only 23% of workers (and 9% of low-wage workers) have access to paid family leave after the birth or adoption of a child. This has to change for the sake of the mother, the child, and the family.

Along with being a pro-life advocate, I am also fiscally conservative, so it is important to me that paid family leave be provided in a fiscally responsible manner. I am encouraged that some of our nation’s leaders have proposed fiscally responsible plans to provide paid family leave.

There have been various GOP offered paid family leave proposals, one of which is the bipartisan Cassidy plan, which would allow parents to choose to advance $5,000 from their Child Tax Credit (CTC) upon the birth or adoption of a child to be used for paid leave. Today, parents can claim an annual CTC on their taxes of up to $2,000 for each child under age 17. Under this proposal, parents would have the option to advance that $5,000 and then repay the advance by reducing their annual CTC by $500 over each of the following 10 years.

During this historic time when we anticipate that Roe v. Wade will be overturned or at least significantly limited, it is as important as ever – and maybe even more important – that we continue to fight for mothers and for policies such as paid family leave that can make a real difference in supporting mothers, children, and families.

I encourage our nation’s leaders to move forward to propose and institute a fiscally responsible plan to provide paid family leave for all United States workers.

Laura Strietman is executive director of Cincinnati Right to Life.

Laura Strietman is executive director of Cincinnati Right to Life.
Laura Strietman is executive director of Cincinnati Right to Life.

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: Opinion: Paid family leave critical if Roe overturned