OPINION: Parental rights: Judge Messer's nonsense

Sep. 23—Superior Court Judge Amy Messer has ruled that a parent's fundamental rights stop at the school door. Specifically, a parent had no right to be informed that her Manchester school was abiding by her minor child's request to be addressed as something other than the boy or girl they are. It's all about "transgender status" and "gender nonconforming presentation."

The mother found out about this by accident. When she told the school she wanted her child to be addressed correctly, the school said while it could "respect and understand" the concern, "we are held by the district policy as a staff" and "cannot disclose a student's choice to parents if asked not to."

And if the child disclosed that she or her was thinking about killing mom? What's the "policy" on that one?

How this nonsense was ever approved by the Manchester School Board is a separate question but since Mayor Joyce Craig chairs the school board we aren't surprised.

Judge Messer, who must be a contortionist or have a very bad back these days, rejected the mom's argument that this policy "violates her fundamental right to parent."

Instead, the judge bought the school district's line that the right to parent "does not include the ability to direct how the school teaches her child."

But the parent's request has nothing to do with how the school "teaches" the child. This is not new math or immersive language learning. It is not even teaching little kids that they are all born racists.

This is information that is fundamental to a parent's rights. We trust that the New Hampshire Supreme Court will see that.