Opinion: Pieper, welcome to the Survivors Club

Dear Pieper Lewis,

Welcome to the Survivors Club, a global tribe

of beautiful humans that have been terribly harmed.

And the most accepting people I've ever met.

I'm sad you're here among us, grief-stricken for the harm done to you.

We’re angry with all the injustices you’ve endured.

As one of your peers in this group, I want to encourage you.

Keep using your voice the way you want to.

Let your words be louder than those who think they "know best."

Keep exercising every free will choice that you can grab.

Walk boldly into every room because you belong.

You're already on your healing path.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Judge Porter said this as published in the Des Moines Register:

"You have a story to tell."

And this,

"If you're willing to tell that story in front of me

and the members here in this courtroom,

you should be willing and be able to tell that story

to other young and vulnerable women in our community."

Don't let anyone "should" you.

You don't owe the telling of your story to anyone.

In court the telling was a lifesaving moment.

Now you and your healing come first.

There are allies whose job it is to work with the vulnerable.

And survivor leaders further along in our journey

who can be the ones to inform the youth about prevention.

Your story, your pain, is yours.

No one else can lay claim to what you own,

simply because your photo and trial are known by many.

You choose each telling and not telling.

Your personal narrative is part of your innermost sacred self.

Hold it close while you heal.

Then choose what is public or not public information.

Pieper Lewis listens to testimony during a sentencing hearing Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2022. The Des Moines teen pleaded guilty to killing her alleged rapist in June 2020.
Pieper Lewis listens to testimony during a sentencing hearing Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2022. The Des Moines teen pleaded guilty to killing her alleged rapist in June 2020.

You may choose to be a public speaker,

writer, leader, advocate, peer coach, or you may choose another direction.

Working in the Survivor movement can be hard for many reasons.

At the same time, it can feel purposeful.

Remember in this sovereign life, you get to choose what's right for you.

And you can change your mind a hundred times.

Whatever you do, do it for you.

Every step you've taken was for survival.

Now each step can be for self-care and repair.

Take time to see what nurtures you.

Be gentle and kind to yourself,

to nurture the holes inside from all the micro-aggressions

and violence you've experienced in your young life.

By now you know incredible supportive people

that will respond when you speak up.

Keep asking for help and support.

You get to create a family of choice now.

More:What's next for Pieper Lewis, the Des Moines teen convicted of killing her alleged rapist?

Mr. Kinscherff, the neurologist said,

“…she also needs to be taught accountability, so

she does not stumble back into the life…”

Judge Porter said:

“Well, Ms. Lewis, this was the second chance you asked for.

You don’t get a third.

Do you understand that?”

You didn’t have good choices in front of you.

Everyone needs a place to sleep.

You were Romeo’d into trafficking.

You did not “stumble.” He coerced you.

You are not to blame.

That crime called trafficking is on him.

More:Rekha Basu: Too rarely is justice meted out as thoughtfully as it was in Pieper Lewis' case

Your chosen family and Survivor peers

will give you a thousand more chances

because we know there will be missteps along your way.

It's the healing journey of being human.

Remind yourself that everyone receives a daily sunrise,

celebrating our next fresh start.

No single minute or day defines you.

Be unapologetic about who you are.

You’re a Survivor.

Respectfully,Angela Clark

Angela Clark was born and raised in northern Iowa, where she was also trafficked as a child. She's been working as a Survivor Leader in the anti-trafficking movement for four years. Contact: angela@risebeyondfreedom.com.

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Opinion: Pieper Lewis, welcome to the Survivors Club