Opinion: When a radical calls you an extremist, don't back down

The voters in Ohio’s House District 27 have a clear and definite choice to make in November. As the Republican nominee, I have openly shared what my positions are on the key issues affecting everyday families. My opponent, on the other hand, is intentionally evasive on issues

I can assure you that "radical" Rachel Baker speaks softly but has a heavy and radical agenda she desperately wants to inflict on the 27th District. While her party affiliation has no mention on her website or signs, she proudly boasts about her endorsements from Equity Cincinnati, Emily’s Life, Pro-Choice America, Planned Parenthood and Moms Demand Action (Gun Control Group).

She stands for racial and sexual indoctrination of school children, high taxation and the release of repeat violent offenders without bail. Baker advocates for boys who identify as girls to compete in girls’ sports. She trusts the teachers’ union and liberal elites over parents like you and me. She’s made it clear that she supports sexual and political curriculum in the classroom despite the fact that test scores are the lowest now since 2014.

My opponent brings the same radical mentality to Ohio’s economy. Just like President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and AOC (Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez), she supports expensive and unproven "Green New Deal" policies that will crush small businesses and destroy jobs. And to pay for her policies, she will vote in lockstep with other Democrats to raise our taxes again and again and again.

Baker wants you to ignore the issue of immigration because she knows that, just like virtually every Democrat in the nation, support of open borders is a ballot box loser. She wants to allow illegal, non-citizens who bring drugs across the border to come into Ohio and vote for her. My opponent knows she’ll never get the chance to implement her radical views if she’s forced to talk about them openly. That is why she is on the Joe Biden Basement plan except when she is out to pose with self-proclaimed "commonsense moderates " such as Tim Ryan, Nan Whaley, Sherrod Brown and Greg Landsman.

Make no mistake: they each vote far-left Democrat every single time.

Democrat Rachel Baker calls out opponentDemocrats, Republicans must unite against extremism

As the Republican nominee, I believe that violent offenders belong in jail, that parental rights in education are non-negotiable and that families deserve to feel safe in their communities. We all need relief from high taxes, expensive food bills and high gas prices.

Regarding boys playing in girls’ sports, I will not back down in defending our daughters from being forced to have naked boys in the locker room and boys stealing their dreams in competition. I will oppose so-called "woke" ideology (critical race theory) which teaches children that our country has historical, systemic racism. This is a lie and teaches children to hate America.

Despite being attacked for my religious beliefs, I’m not afraid to state the obvious, that there is a full-out rebellion against God and country right now. My opponent is in the thick of that rebellion. It is time to reclaim our unalienable rights given to us by God, Our Creator as written by our Founding Fathers in the Constitution.

What do you do when a radical calls you an extremist?

You prove her wrong and go to Columbus and fight to protect your freedoms, your family, your safety and your future. And I will not back down.

Jenn Giroux is a Cincinnati native and the Republican nominee for Ohio House District 27 on Cincinnati's east side. She is wife to Dan, mother of nine children, grandmother to six, and has been a registered nurse for 36 years. She and her husband Dan own The Catholic Shop, a small business in Madeira.

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: Opinion: When a radical calls you an extremist, don't back down