OPINION: SpeakUp! - Solar, Rail Trail, Democrats and a dystopian city

Aug. 20—I agree with the Journal's Aug. 8 article on ROOFTOP SOLAR. We did "shop around," talking to four companies before choosing one in business over 25 years and based in Albuquerque. They were great and also submitted the complicated application for our state tax rebate. Something to always ask about. LZ

Our Democratic Party is evil. They believe that it's OK to LIE AND CHEAT if it produces their outcome. It's OK to destroy their political rivals. Our nation was founded on Christian principles. Our nation needs to return to God. JH

Imagine a SITTING AMERICAN PRESIDENT trying to put his 2024 opponent in prison for the rest of his life before the election to get him out of the way. Half the country sees it that way — and the other half doesn't. JM

So we have a 13-year-old, seemingly feral, monster roaming the streets stealing cars, stealing alcohol, and killing the woman whose car he stole. Albuquerque is verging on becoming a DYSTOPIAN hellscape. Something has gone horribly wrong here. SGN

The cool thing about a BICYCLE TRAIL is that anyone can use it without paying an admission fee. It is, perhaps, one of the most democratic expenditures of public funds. You can argue about the art, but we cannot have too many bike trails. CR

The editorial by Rembe et al. regarding how wonderful the $60 million Rail Trail will be to attract visitors to Downtown from everywhere is overly optimistic. CRIME IN ABQ is so rampant people are afraid to visit the city, let alone a trail in a portion of the city. OP

ABQ Journal, please stop insulting your Independent and Republican readers with the daily anti-Trump POLITICAL CARTOONS on the editorial page. We can certainly do without the daily subliminal attacks to appease the leftists. SS

I hope you people start realizing that too many criminals are getting lighter sentences because they were ON DRUGS. I think it is about time to end this practice. Only the public suffers. JH

Oh boy! A new government SUBSIDIZED FACTORY is going to be built on Mesa Del Sol. Has anyone asked how much water and electricity it will require? Not that N.M. has extra of either. JEH

The Opinion page of the Journal on Aug. 9 has nothing but three columns from Republicans: Victor Hanson, Cal Thomas, and Jonah Goldberg. The Journal needs to at least pretend to be fair and unbiased by providing its readers with VIEWS THAT REPRESENT THIS CITY and its residents. FD

As the saying goes, "You can lead a Democrat to loads of evidence of Biden wrongdoing but you can't get them to see the truth." Democrats, please take off your Hate-for-Trump TRUTH BLINDERS and resuscitate your brain to look, listen, and feel reality. RM

What has happened to our society? Boxing itself is OK, but professional bare knuckle fighting and face-slapping contests? First we got MMA and UFC with all their kicking and choking ... actions once considered as "sissy cheating." Public bloodthirst is what it is ... and the Journal seems to glorify it. HDD

Normally, I don't want to (criticize) the weatherman, but Joe Diaz (and his team) predicted a full week of only SUN AND HEAT in the 8/6 Sunday Journal. I clocked over an inch of rain in my ABQ midtown rain gauge between Monday and Tuesday alone. Heat: Busted. AN

Re: Aug. 5 excellent, well-written Opinion by Burton Newmark exposing how far the dishonest liberal media has become in providing protection for the Biden crime family against corruption and lying. Devon Archer's testimony revealing massive amounts of evidence should be FRONT PAGE NEWS on the Journal. DV

Who decided to decimate the NATURAL LANDSCAPE on Tramway? One of the few streets not overrun with commercial businesses and a pleasant drive. Now it's ugly stretches of dirt, broken-up cactus, and dead trees left untouched. Forget about wildlife using it as a home. Stupidity at its finest. JN

While in AZ (recently) BIDEN said that the GRAND CANYON is one of the 9 Wonders of the World. (There are 7). We need to be concerned about his mental health. The same goes for Trump. It's time to look at age limits for the presidency. TC

Where have APD officers gone. I drive around town, and I hardly ever see any. I see BCSO officers but not APD. I think people have noticed and now drive at any speed they want to and RUN RED LIGHTS. Maybe that is why people arm themselves. MG

While our city leader(s) are rejoicing over funds for many more electric buses to be ordered from an already decided manufacturer, that same manufacturer was apparently in the process of preparing a bankruptcy filing. It's the ART bus fiasco DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN. Wake up everyone! CT

Aug. 6 edition of SpeakUp, DKL asks why gas stations don't have charging stations? VERY SMART. Would be a money maker for the stores. People wouldn't search for one. ... RB

Every time anyone bemoans the lack of affordable housing, they should have to provide data on how many ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT households — a situation exacerbated by sanctuary policies — occupy housing units in that area. There is an easy solution to the lack of affordable housing, and it isn't rent control. RI

Now that former president Trump has finally been charged with a FAILED COUP -my words, it's time to charge the fake NM electors for their part. JPO

Yes! to SHERIFF JOHN ALLEN'S leading by example. Thank you for physically taking down the shoplifter. No Taser, no guns: just guts, hands, and a willingness to do the job. Defund the police? OK, if you give the money to the sheriff. CLH

So, our chief of police is now blaming businesses for the increase in crime. This is insane. Our world is UPSIDE DOWN — right is wrong and wrong is protected? How dare this administration blame business owners for its own complete failure to control crime. GH

Anyone inexperienced with ABQ RIDE but considering using their services should know that their schedules are like weather reports, educated guesses, but often inaccurate. Their app even provides an estimated percentage your bus will actually run as scheduled. BV

Pardon Trump? Seriously? According to him and his MAGA MINIONS, he hasn't done anything wrong. Why would our president want to pardon an innocent man? Let's let a jury — or juries — of his peers decide whether he committed any crimes, before thinking about a pardon. RJ

Trump indictments politically motivated? ... For Republicans to make that charge is the HEIGHT OF HYPROCISY, since politics is behind most of what they do or don't do. No Trump pardon unless he's gone. MY

"Bidenomics" is so successful that the average American has TWICE AS MANY JOBS as they did under Trump. SS

Re: Northern NM SPANISH DIALECT, I don't think the National Hispanic Cultural Center need fear the "dialect" will disappear. It survives almost intact in Ladino, a form of Spanish spoken by Spanish Jews. Watch "Every Time We Say Goodbye" film to hear it. CJ

Will the eternally woke King Keller allow HOMELESS trans women into the Gateway Center which currently provides housing only for females? RJB

I read that APD is thinking of suing Hyundai & Kia concerning all the car thieves. What they should do is SUE TIKTOK since they are the ones that showed them how to do it. You wouldn't have this problem if not for that. KG

In Friday Aug. 4 Journal, Heinrich blames the Republicans for the U.S. debt limit standoff. Seems he forgot that it was the Democrats that spent so much money that the U.S. debt exceeds the GNP. If he would work with Republicans perhaps the EXCESSIVE SPENDING might be controlled. DP

Zoning: Where I live there's an RV parked in someone's driveway blocking the view on both sides. Two-way street. And another person brings his work home, works on cars all night while people are TRYING TO SLEEP. Cars parked from one end of the street to the other. Help. RA

I see in the Journal that the federal government has just banned ordinary incandescent light bulbs. LED BULBS are good for some uses but I prefer the old bulbs for other uses. Now I don't have a choice. Our freedoms are being taken one by one. JRM

Mayor Keller and all his multi-million-dollar pet projects are doing nothing for the safety of our neighborhoods or businesses. The HOMELESS are now moving into open space since he abolished patrols, yet our property taxes remain the same. Talk about taxation without representation. CH

King Keller says the Rail Trail will be a "landmark." We already have beautiful landmarks: the Sandias, the Bosque, etc. We don't need a miles-long metal eyesore. We need less crime and homeless camps so people would feel safe to come out to appreciate our LANDSCAPES, including natural tumbleweeds. RJB

Trump is just one indictment away from WINNING the Republican nomination. JL

If the Gateway Center is the low barrier HOMELESS CENTER it claims to be then why are referrals from another social services provider required to access services? This is not low barrier. RF