Opinion: Tom Utter made our city a better place

Our city’s history has been molded at various times by a variety of creative people. Some have been mayors or developers, but some have worked out of the limelight in various positions at City Hall. Many people can fill a staff position and help the process move along, but the extraordinary can fill any position and produce extraordinary results.

Tom Utter passed away on July 16, 2022. City Manager Marvin Townsend recruited him to Corpus Christi in 1976 to be the director of Housing & Community Development. He had a BA degree from Clemson and did a brief stint in academia, then started in the public sector in Sinton, where he obtained the first Community Development Block Grant in the US in 1975. He set up shop in an office in the old City Hall Annex (now the Art Center of Corpus Christi).

I first met Tom in 1979 as he was trying to work a deal to get $50 million in bond money from Wall Street to provide affordable home mortgages for first-time buyers. It was one of the first mortgage-backed securities issues that helped over 800 families, and all the bond holders were paid back in full. He pioneered similar programs to get new apartment housing in Corpus Christi as well.

Through his ingenuity and persistence, millions of federal dollars were obtained each year for low-interest loans to help people improve their housing. His connections in Washington and Austin ran deep, and if a program existed that could help people, he would figure out a way to bring it to Corpus Christi.

In the mid-1980’s, I had to tell Tom that we could not use a particular program because of the lack of about eight words of clarification in the Internal Revenue Code. In short order, he set up an appointment with his friend, who was on the staff for then Senator Lloyd Bentsen, who happened to chair the Senate Finance Committee. Within about a year, those eight words were added to the Internal Revenue Code. The mortgage credit certificate program took off in Corpus Christi helping hundreds of families each year buy their first homes, and soon other cities across the country were implementing the same program.

While housing clearly was his priority, Tom was the batter who would swing for the grandstands on a broad variety of other projects to make our community a better place to live. Although sometimes a few projects fell short, many public and private facilities all over our city give testimony to what a city administrator can do who has vision, ingenuity, and the willingness to stretch hard to try to make things happen.

Tom’s titles at City Hall ranged from being a director of this or that to assistant city manager, but the limitations of a job title never hindered Tom in making things happen. Even Tom’s detractors would agree that he was in no way a "seat-warmer" in a position, but he always was looking for a way to create something extraordinary.

Of the thousands of people who have filled different positions in our city, Tom Utter is one of the rare breed who made a difference. From 1976 until he retired for a second time in 2007, he worked for six mayors and eight city managers. They knew that whatever the seemingly insurmountable problem was, Tom was the go-to guy to get something done. While a lot of people have been instrumental in building things and occasionally get something named after them, Tom’s lasting legacy was in affecting people where they live — in their homes.

John Bell is a local attorney and former Corpus Christi assistant city attorney.

This article originally appeared on Corpus Christi Caller Times: Opinion: Tom Utter made our city a better place