Opinion/Weigel: RI must act now to pass Equality in Abortion Coverage Act

Gabriela Weigel is a Brown University OB-GYN resident. This commentary represents the views of Brown University's 32 OB-GYN residents.

The 32 obstetrics and gynecology residents at Brown University/Women & Infants Hospital write wholeheartedly in support of equitable access to abortion care. It is imperative that the Equality in Abortion Coverage Act (EACA) is passed during this legislative session, so that all patients in Rhode Island will have equitable access to abortion services.

In 2019, Rhode Island passed the Reproductive Privacy Act, which codified and affirmed the right to abortion into state law. However, Rhode Island residents with Medicaid and state-funded insurance do not have equal access to abortion, as they have to pay out of pocket for abortion care. The EACA would extend abortion coverage to all Rhode Islanders, a crucial step toward reproductive justice.

Passing the EACA is a matter of equity. The price of an abortion in Rhode Island is approximately $600 but can cost significantly more, based on the situation. For many of our patients, this amount of money is insurmountable.

One recent patient we cared for, “Anna,” showed up to her initial ultrasound to learn that her fetus had significant anomalies. She was counseled on her options, and she decided it was best for her and her family to move forward with an abortion. But instead of asking about the procedure and the associated risks and recovery time, the first question she asked was, “How much will it cost?”

Anna has R.I. Medicaid, meaning she does not have insurance coverage for this medical procedure. She tallied the cost of accessing this necessary health care — the procedure itself, the travel to and from the doctor’s office, the lost wages from time off from work, the child care she would need to arrange. Realizing the true expense, she asked for a way to cut these costs. “What if I didn’t use anesthesia for the procedure?” Anna was ready to make decisions about her health, about management of her pain during this procedure, based on her ability to pay.

We do not ask patients to ponder this for other routine health care, such as getting their gall bladder or appendix removed, so why is this acceptable for abortion? Our publicly insured patients face this dilemma regularly, one that could be remedied if state-sponsored insurance covered abortion care.

The Supreme Court is poised to imminently strike down Roe v. Wade, eliminating the federal protection for abortion. We must protect the right to bodily autonomy at the state level. Forcing people to carry pregnancies because they lack the financial ability to choose otherwise is harmful and dangerous, and serves only to worsen existing inequities and injustices. All our patients deserve the opportunity to make medical decisions based on what is best for them, not based on what they can afford.

For Anna and many of our patients with similar stories, we urge our senators and representatives to hear the EACA and bring it to the floor for a vote. Pass this legislation to ensure equitable access to comprehensive reproductive health care for all Rhode Islanders.

This article originally appeared on The Providence Journal: Opinion/Weigel: RI must act now to pass Equality in Abortion Coverage Act