Oprah, Betty White, Chrissy Metz, and More Read to Your Kids on This YouTube Channel

Photo credit: StorylineOnline/YouTube
Photo credit: StorylineOnline/YouTube

From House Beautiful

Reading to your kids, or having your kids read to you, is not only a great way to pass the time, but also to bond with them and instill a love of reading. If you pick from the same stack of books every reading session, though, story time can get pretty old. For some variety, how does listening to celebrities read children’s books sound? Yes, you can do just that from the comfort of your home thanks to a whole YouTube channel dedicated to it.

StorylineOnline’s YouTube channel features clips of celebs including Oprah, Betty White, and Chrissy Metz reading fun children’s books with illustrative elements sprinkled throughout. From recent clips to ones that date back to eight years ago, there are plenty to choose from. You can even click “Play All,” and go on a binge of the 62 clips. Each one is anywhere from 6 to 12 minutes, so you can definitely fit in one or two before bedtime.

The channel, which comes from the educational programming organization the SAG-AFTRA Foundation, features a variety of books. From newer picks like Snappsy The Alligator (Did Not Ask to Be in This Book) and The Hula-Hoopin' Queen to classics like Harry the Dirty Dog and Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, there’s bound to be a book and celebrity that every kid will take a liking to.

The clips are honestly pretty soothing to watch even as an adult. Plus, some of them will really take you back to a different time, whether that’s through the choice in the book or actor(s). Happy listening!

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