As Oregon temperatures soar, high and cold rivers bring threat of drowning

The hottest temperatures since last September arrive across Oregon this weekend, but that could mean trouble for those planning to seek relief in the state’s lakes, forests and rivers.

The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory for most of northwest Oregon and southwest Washington State from Friday at noon through 10 p.m. Sunday.

Temperatures in Salem are expected to reach highs around 92 degrees on Saturday, and 96 on Sunday.

Following an abnormally cool and wet spring, cooped-up Oregonians are expected to head outdoors in droves.

The problem is rivers are running higher and colder than normal, meaning anyone swimming, tubing or boating down creeks or rivers will likely find more hazardous conditions than normal.

The combination of abundant rain and snowmelt will keep rivers like the North Santiam at water levels more than double normal flows, which can lead to swimmers getting swept away and boaters slammed into downed trees or other river hazards.

“We know people are going to want to be out there, but if you’re heading in a tube down the river, you have to know that rivers are not at summer water levels,” Marion County deputy Dave Zahn said.

Oregon’s late-season snowpack also poses a hazard to hikers headed into the forest. Trails may be covered at high elevation locations, making it easier to get lost.

Rivers and also lakes are also still cold. Air temperatures in the 90s drop to the 50s and 60s below water.

That sudden immersion in cold water can lead to muscles locking up and “an involuntary gasp reflex where a person breathes in water, which can lead to water in the lungs and drowning,” said Ashley Massey with the Oregon State Marine Board.

Cold water has killed even people who can swim.

“Most incidents and fatalities are caused by falling overboard or capsizing into cold water without a life jacket or the necessary skills for self-rescue. People need to always scout ahead, mind the tide, decide on the safest route and expect the unexpected,” she added.

Wearing a life jacket is a critical way to stay alive in the water, Massey said, along with having knowledge about blockages on creeks and rivers. Last year, 11 of the 19 people who died in boating accidents were not wearing life jackets. In 2020, 17 of the 27 people who died were not wearing them, according to the Marine Board.

North Santiam remains dangerous with blockages

Zahn said the North Santiam River was the biggest source of concern due to the log jams and cold, swift water, mainly between Stayton and Jefferson.

The worst spot is a complete blockage downstream of Stayton between Buell-Miller County boat ramp and Greens Bridge outside Jefferson.

In the stretch of river between Greens Bridge and Jefferson, there are two additional hazardous spots that could entangle boaters or inner tubers, just upstream of the river’s confluence with the South Santiam River.

More:Major North Santiam River blockages pose hazard to boaters, tubers near Stayton, Jefferson

Tips to stay safe

Have a good plan before heading out

State Search and Rescue coordinator Scott Lucas emphasized the need for people to be prepared and equipped before they head outdoors.

“In the summer months, we find people who set out for a hike wearing flip flops and shorts and carrying no water," he said. "They might take an unmarked trail or get disoriented, and they could be lost for days.”

Lucas stressed the importance of checking the basics like weather and road conditions, packing the proper gear, and confirming the destination is open before heading out.

“Many of the trails and parks people are familiar with are closed from wildfire or flood damages or from recent weather including high mountain snow,” he said. “Others haven’t been maintained for the last two years due to the pandemic. People need to respect these closures and stay out.”

He added that every search and rescue mission takes away resources from the next rescue.

“Know before you go may seem like obvious advice, but it makes a big difference when it comes to staying safe," he said.

Don’t start a wildfire

With more than half of the state under extreme drought conditions, the Oregon Department of Forestry said the number one precaution recreationists can take this summer is to follow posted fire restrictions. The agency offers a searchable map of public fire restrictions on its website.

“As we move further into fire season, campfire bans and restrictions will likely be in place, and these need to be observed to avoid starting new wildfires,” ODF Public Affairs Specialist Jason Cox said. “If a site does allow for a campfire, people need to build them in identified rings or fire pits and make sure the fire is fully out — drown, stir, and repeat until ashes are cool to the touch — before they leave.”

Confirm sites are open before getting in the car

Oregon Parks and Recreation Department encourages explorers to first check Oregon’s Interagency Recreation Site Status Map to confirm their destination is open, learn about any fire restrictions and make sure they have the proper permits.

Department associate director Chris Havel encouraged anyone visiting the outdoors get to know and follow the seven principals of Leave No Trace, a set of actions that can minimize impacts on plants, animals, other people and entire ecosystems.

“These seven guidelines boil down to protecting the resources, the things that call the parks home, and all the other people that hope to come and recreate behind you and have that same sense of discovery and excitement," Havel said.

Zach Urness has been an outdoors reporter in Oregon for 15 years and is host of the Explore Oregon Podcast. To support his work, subscribe to the Statesman Journal. Urness is the author of “Best Hikes with Kids: Oregon” and “Hiking Southern Oregon.” He can be reached at or (503) 399-6801. Find him on Twitter at @ZachsORoutdoors.

This article originally appeared on Salem Statesman Journal: As temperatures soar, high and cold rivers bring threat of drowning