Outdoor Notes -- May 7

May 7—New state white perch record

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources confirmed a new state record for white perch in the state's Atlantic division. Robert Hudson, of Ocean Pines, landed the 1.85-pound white perch in the Isle of Wight Bay near Ocean City. The catch surpassed the previous state record held by Ryan Timmons with a 1.7-pound white perch caught in 2016. If you think you have landed a potential state record sport fish in any division — Atlantic, Chesapeake, Nontidal and Invasive — call 443-569-1381 or 410-260-8325 so it can be officially checked, confirmed and certified.

Archery in the Park

On Saturdays in May, visitors ages 8 and up can participate in Archery in the Park in the Manor Area Archery Range of Cunningham Falls State Park. Led by Frederick County staff, all equipment must be provided and youth under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. The cost is $5 per person, cash only, in addition to the park entrance fee of $3 per Maryland vehicle and $5 per out-of-state vehicle. Participants must RSVP to carolyn.leamond@maryland.gov by 2 p.m. on the day of the program. There will be four time slots each day, starting every half hour from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Write ARCHERY as the subject of the email to register.

Tea Room open house

The Tea Room at Gambrill State Park will be open to the public from 4 to 7 p.m. May 8. Built in the 1930s by the Civilian Conservation Corps, the rustic building remains a popular venue for events, including family reunions, baby showers, business meetings and weddings. Whether you are planning an event or just curious about the Tea Room, drop in and visit the Tea Room, 8346 High Knob Road, Frederick.

PVAS to present program on raptors

Matt Orsie will present a program on raptors in flight at the May 11 virtual meeting of the Potomac Valley Audubon Society. Orsie's talk will include identification of hawks and eagles on the wing as well as information about the timing of migration. He has birded all over North America and calls West Virginia home where he is a member of the West Virginia Bird Records committee. For login or more information, email adultprograms@potomacaudubon.org or 681-252-1387.

Seasonal hike on the Falls Trail

On May 14, a park naturalist will lead a short and level hike on the Falls Trail, to the falls, at Cunningham Falls State Park, Thurmont. Meet at 2:30 p.m. at the Sugar Shack in South Beach in the William Houck Area, 14274 William Houck Drive. Look for spring wildflowers and other seasonal wildlife on this hike. Park entrance fees apply.

Birding Global Big Day on May 14

Birders from around the world and locally will be participating in Global Big Day on May 14 when they will list the birds they see wherever they are. There is no minimum time commitment — from 10 minutes to all day. The birding lists will help biologists better understand global bird populations in mid-May. Last year, more than 51,000 birders from 192 countries found 7,234 different species of birds while submitting 134,000 checklists to eBird. Bird observations can be submitted online at or with the free eBird mobile app. Learn more at ebird.org/news/global-big-day-2022.

Assateague Island wild horse relocated

The harem stallion Delegate's Pride (N6ELS-H, also known as Chip) was relocated from Assageague Island National Seashore in Maryland to the Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch in Murchison, Texas, a renowned wildlife sanctuary, according to a news release from the National Park Service. The stallion had become increasingly aggressive towards park visitors and staff when pursuing human food or when park staff attempted to redirect him or his band away from crowded visitor use areas such as campgrounds and parking areas. Since 2017, he has been involved in more than 50 percent of all incidents which have resulted in injury to visitors.

— Susan Guynn