Over the Garden Fence: Feeling the effects of SAD

For weeks my daily life has lacked energy. Fatigue hangs around. The mind won't stick to anything much. The sluggishness gave me very slow starts in the morning even with eight hours of shut eye. Definite carbohydrate cravings ran at a high level even after a meal. Weight gain followed. When Feb. 2 arrived Punxsutawney Phil could have done a dance with Buckeye Chuck and I would not have cared.

When I checked in, this winter blues phenomenon, SAD it seems, is quite real. Seasonal Affective Disorder, related to our autumn shifting away from hours of sunlight, brings a circadian rhythm drop in serotonin levels. Melatonin crashes, too, and  bodies struggle with sleeping patterns and mood.

Suddenly, the reality struck. Death is not hovering at my door. SAD may be what has brought on sluggishness. This is why I want to sleep longer than needed. It bothers me that my mind struggles with a focus on anything. Each day the procrastination to get out there and replenish bird feeders had me going finally at dusk, sometimes total darkness. It was as if I did not really care.

This winter pattern of almost no light and overcast skies perpetuates symptoms. Apparently if you can be diagnosed with SAD, there is medication. There are light box units on the market. Shoot, I just bring two lamps with the highest setting on three-way bulbs closer to my laptop or the book I am reading. There are dawn simulators which gradually bring light into your bedroom.  Can't you just pull open the curtains at midnight and let the real dawn arrive in stages?

As far as avoiding carbs, a helpful pattern is to select proteins like meat and beans. One batch of  winter chili here had so many bean varieties we could not see the meat. Take vitamin D — that is already happening. Select dark chocolate. That is covered but not saving the day. Tea drinking helps and my go-to choice is green tea with honey. The start and end of each day bring a glass of vinegar and honey water.

Depression levels dip and glide tinged with hopelessness.

Psychologists recommend eating healthily, getting enough sleep, exercising and staying with social activities. Cramming down spinach-laden salads seems to soothe. Sleep when it comes quickly may not last; other nights it is almost 10 hours' worth.  Exercise is limited to numerous trips up and down the stairs and just getting out of bed. Does loading a dishwasher count? Talking a bundle on the phone has provided some social interaction.

The doldrums are fading. There are things to be done which take longer but brighten the day when accomplished. This week making snacks for 28 people, donating blood and planning Valentines all became gloom chasers. Just this morning while pouring the second cup of coffee I saw a fluffed up eastern bluebird land on the nest box. It doesn't get much better as cheerful events go. These blues are "harbingers of spring."

Life is good.

Mary Lee Minor is a member of the Earth, Wind and Flowers Garden Club, an accredited master gardener, a flower show judge for the Ohio Association of Garden Clubs and a former sixth grade teacher.

Mary Lee Minor
Mary Lee Minor

This article originally appeared on Bucyrus Telegraph-Forum: Overcoming midwinter blues and seasonal affective disorder