Over the Garden Gate: Sunflowers never disappoint

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.

It’s what sunflowers do!” Helen Keller

Seen frequently in the media in recent months, the sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine. It is acknowledged as a “symbol of solidarity” in the country that produces 60% of the world’s sunflower oil.

The sunflower, whose name means “flower of the sun” is an American native plant. Of all the crops harvested for seed, only the sunflower was domesticated in North America for approximately 4,000 years among American Indian peoples. The plant was used for food, oil, medicinal purposes and as an ornamental plant in ceremonies.

The cultivated common sunflower as we know it today was most likely created by selection from the wild sunflower, which had smaller seeds and a branched stem. Common sunflower (Helianthus annuus) can bring color and joy to your yard, porch or garden. No plant says summer like a sunflower. The bright yellow bloom is like a smiley face on a stalk.

The sunflower is heat tolerant, somewhat pest resistant and fast growing. Its relatively short growing season is normally 90-100 days and must be planted in full sun, which means a location that gets six to eight hours of sun each day. Most seeds are planted about 1 inch deep, but follow directions on your seed packets. The seeds will normally germinate in five to 10 days and require approximately 1 inch of water per week. In western Pennsylvania, the sunflower will normally bloom from mid-summer to early fall.

There are more than 70 varieties of sunflower seeds available. Plants can vary from annuals, perennials, dwarf or tall and come in a variety of colors. Some of the mammoth varieties can reach up to 12 feet. The tallest sunflower may need protection from the wind by staking to protect the plant from damage. Whether you decide to sow your seeds directly in the ground or in an attractive pot, be sure there is enough depth for the plant roots to establish and grow. Research the type, height and color that best suits your needs.

It is amazing to watch the sunflower rapidly grow. This plant is “heliotropic,” which means it will follow the sun across the sky. As the plant ages, the stem stiffens and the movement will cease. The mature head normally faces east. What we typically call the flower is actually a flower head. The yellow petals we see are called ray flowers. Closely observing the sunflower floret reveals an amazing circular pattern. The dark middle is actually made of thousands of tiny little flowers that will develop into edible seeds.

Pollinators love sunflowers. Bees find nectar and wax for their hives and often moths and butterflies use the sunflower as a host plant to lay their eggs. Later, when seeds appear, you will experience frequent visitors to your plants, including the American goldfinch, chickadees, blue jays and grosbeaks. The mature heads are a major attraction for hungry birds. People also love sunflower seeds which can be harvested and roasted.

Sunflowers are excellent for cutting and are often used for special occasion decorations. Children can be directly involved in the planting, tending and harvesting of the plants. Their quick growth provides encouragement for young gardeners.

You don’t have to travel outside our region to visit fields of sunflowers that attract artists and photographers. In western Pennsylvania, with a little research, you will find acres of sunflowers waiting to be explored. What better way to enjoy the day than to be surrounded by tall, smiling flowers? In the fall, you may even find a sunflower maze for an extra special adventure.

Whether you will roast and eat your sunflower seeds, place the flowers in a vase, provide seeds for birds, visit a sunflower field or simply enjoy them in your yard, you will not be disappointed.

While the 2022 season is winding down, this is the perfect time to get your seed catalogues and plan for these summer beauties in the upcoming years. If you have questions about growing sunflowers or any other garden questions, contact the Master Gardener Garden Hotline at beavermg@psu.edu. To receive the latest home gardening news, sign up for our newsletter at https://extension.psu.edu/master-gardener-team-sign-up

Debbie Kuntz is a Master Gardener with Penn State Extension, Beaver County.

This article originally appeared on Beaver County Times: Over the Garden Gate: Sunflowers never disappoint