Over and out (sort of) with Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, Disney Plus | Ervolino

Today’s word is “over,” which, according to our buddies at dictionary.com, means “something that is completely finished, defeated or dead.”

As in: “2021 is almost over.”

(And it is. Trust me. It looks kinda gray. It’s been shaking a lot. I give it about five days.)

Sometimes, we want things to be almost over, like in 1964, when I was 9 years old and my father took me to see a rerelease of the 1959 Charlton Heston epic “Ben-Hur.”

I had no idea what the movie was about. (I was 9 and bored stiff.) All I remember is that about 75 hours into it, I screamed, “IS THIS THING ALMOST OVER?”

As I recall, everyone in the theater heard me. Men turned around. Women turned around. Even Charlton Heston glared at me.

But, I was over it.

“Over” is also used — perhaps even overused — as a prefix. Through the years I’ve been described as overzealous, overbearing, overwhelming, overwrought…

More over-words are rushing into my head as I write this, including one that helped define my 2021.

I am — drumroll, please — oversubscribed.

And, in all probability, you are, too.

Bill Ervolino
Bill Ervolino

Every day, I get an overload of texts and emails from companies I have done business with at one time or another, and these messages are all filled with useless information.

I’m sure you get these things. And I’m sure you know that at the bottom of these messages, you can find the phrase “To unsubscribe, please click here.”

Pay no attention.

I’ve clicked a few times. And nothing really happens.

I do subscribe to the online editions of four newspapers (this one included), and I still get some magazines delivered to my home — but that’s OK.

Ervolino: Hate to clean? Bill Ervolino has the solution

I like to read.

I also like to shop. From home.

Have you ever bought items on the Home Shopping Network or QVC?

They offer subscriptions, too. But they use the phrases “auto-ship” and “auto-delivery,” respectively.

When you buy their vitamins, or skin care products, or big, fat frozen steaks, they offer you the option to have more delivered to your home every month, every three months, every six months, or whatever time frame suits you.

Do you want a new vacuum cleaner every month? Sure! Who doesn’t?

I had a mouse in my house back in 2004 and called an exterminator, who put down traps and talked me into going “on a plan.” He would come back every three months to check the traps and put down new ones and I’d be billed for these visits automatically.

And that was great. Over the course of 17 years, he caught five mice and it only cost me $32,000.

Which brings us back to television, currently the worst offender. I still subscribe to cable — please don’t ask me why — which is part of a “bundle” that includes my land-line phone (which I never use) and my internet service.

But I hardly ever watch cable because I also subscribe to the streaming services Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, Disney Plus, Paramount Plus, Amazon Prime and … I know there are others, but I forget their names.

It’s like having 12 kids. (My mother only had two, and she always got our names confused.)

Each of these services charges a few dollars a month. And others, like YouTube (which is presently free, with commercials), have begun hinting that, for a few dollars a month, all those interruptions will go away.

I hate to say “when I was a kid,” because it makes me sound like an old man. But…

When I was a kid, there were seven channels and there was always something I wanted to watch.

Today, there are thousands of programs at my fingertips every minute of the day and I can never decide what I’m in the mood for.

Last week, I had an hour to kill, so I turned on the TV. Then, I scrolled and scrolled and spent almost the entire hour looking for something to watch.

Cable appears to be passe. (How many “Friends” reruns can you watch?) And the Big Three networks have become a snore.

I’ve enjoyed my many subscriptions this year, but cash-wise, they add up. My TV services alone come to more than $350 a month in New Jersey. (Plus another $150 for the bundle at my apartment on Long Island.)

That’s $500 a month!

It’s overload. Overkill. So, after mulling it over, I’ve decided to scale back my subscriptions in 2022.

And I mean it! Although, I still haven’t subscribed to Apple TV and everyone’s telling me I have to get it if I want to see the new Macbeth movie, and “The Morning Show” and “Ted Lasso.”

And it’s only $4.99 more a month!


2021 is almost over and so, apparently, is my sales resistance.

Have a happy New Year.

Over and out.

This article originally appeared on NorthJersey.com: Streaming services: Bill Ervolino done with Netflix, Hulu