Owning a pet may help lonely older people keep memory function, study shows

Older people who live alone, but who own pets, suffer less memory decline than those without animals
Older people who live alone, but who own pets, suffer less memory decline than those without animals - ADAMKAZ/E+

Pets are known to improve fitness levels but they also help keep the mind active in later life too, according to a study.

Chinese researchers have found that older people who lived alone, but who owned pets, suffered less memory decline over a decade than those without animals.

Intriguingly, they found no benefit of owning a pet when people lived with others, suggesting that animals may be filling an important gap which offsets the absence of humans, and may be particularly helpful following the death of a partner or spouse.

Researchers from the University in Guangzhou studied 7,945 people enrolled in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, looking to see how much mental decline they had suffered  between 2010 and 2019.

The team tested verbal memory – the ability to remember information presented verbally, verbal fluency – the ability to come up with words, and verbal cognition – the ability to understand words and concepts.

Worst mental decline

The results showed those living on their own saw the worst mental decline but this was completely offset if a single person cared for a pet.

Writing in the journal Jama Network Open, Dr Yanzhi Li, the lead author, said that loneliness was a known risk factor for dementia and memory decline and pets may help protect against social isolation in later life.

“It is worth noting that compared with pet owners living with others, pet owners living alone did not show faster rates of decline in verbal memory or verbal fluency,” he said.

“These findings preliminarily suggest that pet ownership might completely offset the association of living alone with faster rates of decline in verbal memory and verbal fluency among older adults.

“Pet ownership constitutes a simple change. Therefore, randomised clinical trials should explore whether pet ownership can slow the rate of cognitive decline, especially in older adults living alone.

“If randomised clinical trials confirm our findings, pet ownership may help in slowing cognitive decline and preventing dementia.”

The study did not specify what kind of pets were kept by the participants but experts believe that as well as increasing activity levels, which is known to protect the brain, animals also prevent older people from feeling lonely.

Loneliness is known to be a risk factor in developing cognitive decline and dementia but the number of people living alone is growing with nearly one third of British households now having only a single occupant.

Early onset dementia

A study released earlier this week from the University of Exeter and Maastricht University found that social isolation is one of several risk factors for early-onset dementia.

Previously it was thought that genetics was the sole cause of dementia in younger people.

But the team found that depression and loneliness also play a role alongside health issues, poverty, and low education.

Sebastian Köhler, a professor of neuroepidemiology at Maastricht University, said: “We already knew from research on people who develop dementia at older age that there are a series of modifiable risk factors.

“In addition to physical factors, mental health also plays an important role, including avoiding chronic stress, loneliness and depression.

“The fact that this is also evident in young-onset dementia came as a surprise to me, and it may offer opportunities to reduce risk in this group too.”

Dr Leah Mursaleen, the head of clinical research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, added: “We’re witnessing a transformation in understanding of dementia risk and, potentially, how to reduce it on both an individual and societal level.”

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