Paint the Town Pink carnation sale again a success

May 7—Windows at Baesler's Market were decorated with painted sunflowers, reflecting the store's recent fundraiser for Ukraine, but inside it was all about carnations.

The Wabash Valley Breast Cancer Survivor Organization was selling the flowers during a "Paint the Town Pink" event to raise money for breast cancer victims. Baesler's was just one of many outlets offering carnations on Friday.

A line of patrons waited to buy their carnations — when the group's members set up shop at 10 a.m., the line grew to 30 or more. Individual carnations were $1.25, but most opted to buy them by the dozen or small arrangements floating in elegant glass bowls filled with water. More carnations were delivered throughout the day.

Manning the table at Baesler's were two breast cancer survivors, Teresa Marvel and Marsha Goodwin. Marvel said she was diagnosed in 2004 and learned about the organization at her doctor's office.

"I started attending the meetings and they really helped me out tremendously," she said. "It helped to be able to talk to other women that were going through or had gone through the same thing as you had."

"What I like about it is the group is friendly and if you need anything, the group is there for you," Goodwin added, noting the group hosts annual picnics and Christmas parties. "It's a good close group to be in."

Jenny Rae was volunteering at a kiosk outside Ace Hardware at The Meadows shopping center. She said she has known friends and family who came down with the malady.

"You're full of hope at the beginning and then when they become terminal, it's really sad," she said. "It's a horrific disease."

Rae was on her third batch of flowers by noon. "One lady paid $100 for a dozen," she said. "People are generous. Most everybody who has been here has a story to tell about their survival and family survival."

Carnations were also available at the new Terre Haute Convention Center, Big Lots in North Plaza Shopping Center, the Union Hospital lobby, the main entrance at Haute City Center shopping mall, two First Farmers Bank & Trust locations, MCL, WTHI-TV and the parking lot at 1519 E. National in Brazil.

Proceeds go to mammograms for uninsured and under-insured women, transportation to doctor appointments, lymphedema compression sleeves, wigs for women on chemo and a coping kit containing a pink satin pillowcase along with a drainage tube bag, a soft pink pillow, and a soft seatbelt cover.

David Kronke can be reached at 812-231-4232 or at