Palestinian leader tells UN there can be no Mideast peace without his people enjoying full rights

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UNITED NATIONS (AP) ā€” Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas told the U.N. General Assembly on Thursday that there can be no peace in the Middle East without his people enjoying their ā€œfull and legitimate national rights.ā€

It was the closest he came in a nearly 25-minute address to acknowledging U.S.-led negotiations aimed at getting Saudi Arabia to normalize relations with Israel. The Saudis have said such a deal must include major progress toward the creation of a Palestinian state, something Israelā€™s far-right government has all but ruled out.

ā€œThose who think that peace can prevail in the Middle East without the Palestinian people enjoying their full and legitimate national rights are mistaken,ā€ Abbas said at the start of his address to the U.N.

The 87-year-old Palestinian leaderā€™s speech largely resembled those he has delivered in past sessions. He accused Israel of a litany of violations against Palestinian rights and called for an international conference to revive the peace process.

He said the Israeli occupation of lands the Palestinians want for a future state ā€œchallenges more than a thousand resolutions, violates the principles of international law and international legitimacy, while racing to change the historical, geographical and demographic reality on the ground.ā€

The Israeli delegation walked out of the hall early in his address, when he spoke about Israelā€™s practice of holding the remains of alleged Palestinian attackers.

There have been no serious or substantive peace talks in over a decade. Abbas is deeply unpopular among Palestinians, many of whom view his Palestinian Authority as a corrupt pillar of the status quo.