Palestinians Send Message of Thanks to Banksy for 'Doing So Much' for Palestine

British graffiti artist Banksy is no stranger to creating art in and about Gaza and the West Bank. For this reason, a group of Palestinians decided to send him a message of thanks for “doing so much for Palestine.”

Yamen Elabed, a tour guide and owner of Tours with Yamen, coordinated an exhibition in Bethlehem showcasing Banksy’s work about Palestine in appreciation of his work, and “so people get to know who Banksy is.”

“I worked with [Banksy’s] team back in 2007 as a driver only… I created my Banksy tour and specialized in graffiti and alternative tours since then,” Elabed said. “I wanted to show support and thank him, and hopefully it will reach him.”

Last month, Banksy sold three of his paintings for $2.9 million at auction, with the funds raised donated to a Bethlehem medical facility. Credit: Tours with Yamen via Storyful